What if my chest hurts?

With this phenomenon, when the chest hurts, many girls came across, but what to do if the pain does not pass for a long time, not everyone knows. In such situations, everything depends on what exactly causes the appearance of painful sensations.

Is chest pain before menstruation normal?

Most young girls, when they have chest pain before menstruation, are in panic, tk. what to do while they do not understand.

In fact, to take any action in such situations is not necessary, because the pain at this time is due to hormonal changes. An increase in the concentration of sex hormones in this period leads to an increase in the volume of glandular tissue. As a result, the breast increases somewhat in size, becomes very sensitive. As a rule, with the onset of menstruation, such symptoms disappear on their own.

In what cases is it necessary to sound an alarm?

If the chest hurts a fairly long time, 3-5 days, while the intensity of pain and character do not change, you need to be alerted and seek medical advice.

In cases where a woman does not know what to do, if the breast with redness, swells and hurts, the temperature rises, it is necessary, first of all, to drink an anti-inflammatory or antipyretic agent (Ibuprofen, Nimesil) and seek medical help. Such a symptomatology may indicate such a violation as mastitis . The most common are nursing mothers.

What if I have a nipple?

Such a symptomatology, as a rule, is associated with hormonal cyclic changes in the body. However, if in 3-4 days the pain does not disappear, you need to be alert. After all, such a symptom can be accompanied by a variety of breast diseases. The most dangerous of them is Paget's disease , which is characterized by inflammatory processes in the chest and can turn into a malignant form.

What if the girl's chest hurts?

Similar, as a rule, is observed during puberty - at 11-13 years. Painful sensations in such cases are weak and do not have a permanent character - the pain disappears, and after a while appears again. This is due, first of all, to the variability of the hormonal background, as well as to the intensive growth of the glands.

Also, the pain in young girls in the chest can be provoked by the growth of the glands themselves. In this case, the overgrowth of the skin occurs, which can cause aching pain. In severe pain syndrome, pain medications (Ibuprofen, Nimesulide) may be prescribed.