Cervicitis - treatment at all stages of the disease

Cervicitis in gynecology is usually referred to as the inflammatory process in the cervix. The disease is characterized by a prolonged course and the absence of symptoms in the early stages. In order to reach a doctor in time, it is necessary to imagine how cervicitis can be manifested, whose treatment is prescribed in accordance with the type and stage of the disease.

Cervicitis - Species

This concept combines various inflammatory processes in the cervix. For greater convenience and understanding of the causes of the disease, cervicitis is divided into species. There are several classifications.

By the duration of the disease:

Depending on the cause of origin, there are:

By the nature of the inflammatory process in the neck, there are:

Cervicitis - Causes

The main cause of the inflammatory process in the cervix is ​​pathogenic microorganisms. In this pathogenesis of such forms of pathology as exocervicitis and endocervicitis, is similar. Among the common microorganisms that cause cervicitis, we can distinguish:

From this list only gonococcus is sufficiently aggressive, able to penetrate through the cervical mucus into the cervix and cause inflammation. Other pathogens cause cervicitis, the treatment of which is discussed below, in the presence of additional factors that reduce the defenses of the body. Among them:

Endocervicitis - Causes

By endocervicitis is meant the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix, in which the tissue of the canal itself is damaged. In the pathology, distant sections of the cervix are involved, from where the inflammation can pass to the uterus. Predisposing factors of endocervicitis are:

Exocervicitis - Causes

This type of cervicitis in women is accompanied by inflammation of only the vaginal part of the cervix. Deep parts of the reproductive system are not affected. Inflammation can be detected during a routine gynecological examination. Among the causes of pathology, it is necessary to distinguish:

Cervicitis - symptoms

Symptomatic disease directly depends on the stage of the pathological process. Signs of cervicitis do not appear immediately after the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into the cervix, but with the onset of a period of active reproduction and growth. Symptomatic disease depends on several factors:

Moderate cervicitis

A slight inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix can be practically asymptomatic. One of the first manifestations of pathology is discharge from the vaginal cavity. Against this background, a woman can record:

Depending on the type of pathogen, the nature of the secretions can vary. Their feature is the appearance almost immediately, after a few days, after menstrual. In most cases, it is yellow with a greenish or white discharge. Because of their abundance, they give discomfort to a woman, and these inconveniences make her turn to a doctor.

Pronounced cervicitis

With this type of pathology, the symptomatology of the disease is characterized by a large number of symptoms. Acute cervicitis has always a sudden onset and is accompanied by:

In the absence of appropriate therapy, neglected form of cervicitis may mark soreness in the abdomen and lower back. At the same time there are purulent discharge from the vagina, with an unpleasant odor, causing discomfort, itching and burning in the vulva. There is a deterioration in overall health, the body temperature rises. Such a cervicitis during pregnancy can lead to its interruption.

Cervicitis - Diagnosis

Preliminary diagnosis of "cervicitis" the doctor can deliver after examining the cervix in the mirrors. However, in order to establish the true cause and identify the type of pathogen that caused the disease, laboratory tests are assigned. Immediately, their results are taken into account in the compilation of the algorithm of therapeutic measures. Among the main methods of diagnosis of cervicitis is:

  1. Colposcopy - helps to detail changes in the pathological nature of cervical inflammation (edema and hyperemia of the mucosa, the presence of vascular loops, erosive changes) determines the prevalence of the process (diffuse or focal cervicitis).
  2. Sowing pathological discharge.
  3. PCR - determines the type of pathogen.
  4. Bacterial culture on sensitivity to antibacterial drugs - helps to choose the right medicine.

How to treat cervicitis?

Treatment of cervicitis in women initially involves the elimination of the factor that caused the disorder, as well as associated pathologies (metabolic disorders, hormonal background). The basis of therapy is antibacterial agents. The choice is made taking into account the type of pathogen identified. This takes into account:

Cervicitis - drugs for treatment

Depending on the type of pathogen that caused cervicitis, the treatment may differ. To exclude the disease use antibacterial drugs with different directional effects:

1. For bacterial origin of cervicitis:

2. With fungal lesions:

3. With chlamydial cervicitis:

4. Atrophic changes in the cervix:

Treatment of cervicitis with suppositories, named above, allows you to quickly achieve a therapeutic effect. With a reduction in the number of symptoms, improvement in general well-being, women perform treatment for the vagina and cervix. For this we use:

Cervicitis - folk remedies

Talking about how to treat inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix, it is necessary separately to allocate folk remedies. Many medicinal herbs help to remove the symptoms of the disease, shorten the period of therapy. However, you must remember that you can use them after consulting a doctor. Treatment of chronic cervicitis rarely does without using these drugs.

Infusion of herbs against cervicitis


Preparation, application

  1. Herbs are mixed and poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist 1 hour.
  3. Filter and use instead of drinking.

Infusion of wormwood, oak bark, cherry flowers


Preparation, application

  1. The ingredients are mixed.
  2. For cooking take 2 tbsp. spoon mixture, pour boiling water.
  3. Insist 8 hours in a thermos, filter and take half a cup 3 times a day before eating.

Prevention of cervicitis

To prevent active cervicitis, a woman must follow a number of rules. Preventive measures aimed at preventing the disease, can prevent cervicitis, the correct treatment of which helps to forget about the disease forever.

To prevent the disease, doctors advise to adhere to such rules:

  1. Regular medical examinations - at least 2 times a year.
  2. Restriction on lifting weights to prevent the descent or prolapse of the uterus.
  3. Full performance of medical appointments, timely treatment of inflammatory processes in the pelvis.
  4. Use of condoms.
  5. Exclusion of casual sex.