How to remove sand from the kidneys - a doctor's advice

Many are faced with a problem such as urolithiasis. Its development is preceded by the presence of so-called sand in the kidneys, it is nothing more than the remains of salts that do not dissolve to the end in the urine, and remain in the urinary system. The main question asked by patients with this diagnosis is how to remove sand and stones from the kidneys and whether it can be done on their own. Let's try to answer it.

What can be done to get rid of the sand in the kidneys?

First of all, it must be said that before doing anything, it is necessary to establish exactly what is in the kidneys: sand or stones. If there are concrements in the urinary system, the removal of them must be controlled by a doctor. It is very important to consider the size of the stones. If in diameter they exceed 2 cm, they can be removed only by lithotripsy.

If you talk about how to remove sand from the kidneys, then without the advice of a doctor in this case, too, do not. So, doctors in the first place recommend drinking at least 2 liters of liquid per day. Admission to the food of spicy, fatty, fried foods should be excluded.

What herbs, folk remedies remove sand from the kidneys?

There are many recipes of folk medicine aimed at removing sand from the kidneys.

So, excellent help to cope with a similar problem sporish, 3 tablespoons of which are flooded with water and boiled for 15 minutes on very low heat. Then decoction is filtered and taken by 1/3 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

It is worth noting that to remove sand from the kidneys, red apples can also be used, which are cut into small slices, poured into water and boiled for 10 minutes, then insisted in a thermos for 3 hours.

Among the most commonly used for this violation of herbs, it is necessary to note flaxseed, a shepherd's bag, bearberry, violet, flowers and elderberry.

What medicines remove sand from the kidneys?

In most cases, the treatment of urolithiasis does not do without pharmacological agents. At the same time, only a doctor has the right to determine: what can be removed from the kidneys in a particular case, and what medicines to use. Most often, all prescribe drugs such as Urolesan, Kanefron, Phytolysin. Scheme of admission, duration and dosages are selected individually, taking into account the severity of the disorder and its clinical manifestations.