American diet

How often do we want to lose weight, while not denying ourselves in your favorite foods and not doing difficult calorie counting! The best nutritionists of all countries worked on this issue, but the answer was found by nutritionists from the state, the percentage of the population suffering from obesity, in which it is 52%. Since then, the American diet is known throughout the world, millions of people who stick to it, managed to get rid of excess weight, while allowing yourself to eat any practical products.

Principles of the American diet:

  1. The main principle of this diet Americans call "Dinner Cancelling" (Dinner minus) - this means that the last meal should be no later than 17:00.
  2. For breakfast, you can eat any food, including sweet and flour.
  3. After 5 pm you can drink only water and teas (herbal, green, black).
  4. Strictly select in your menu only natural products - this is the key to the success of any diet. Quality food and a large amount of liquid will purify your body of toxins and salts of heavy metals, which will lead to an even more successful result of the American diet.
  5. Try to have in your diet less "harmful" food: chips, sweet soda water, crackers - that is, foods containing a large amount of sodium, flavoring and preservatives.
  6. Also, you should limit the consumption of fatty foods. And if you ate a fat product, then after eating it, you need to eat a piece of pineapple or grapefruit (they will help the rapid breakdown of fats).

The American diet will not please you with quick results, but with its help you can reduce weight by as much as you need (this diet can be followed for a long enough time and it is easily tolerated). In this case, the dropped kilograms do not return, as soon as you move to normal power mode.

Diet of American astronauts

In the early 20th century, American nutrition experts from NASA developed a secret diet for American astronauts. Its meaning was to limit the use of complex carbohydrates. Each product was assigned its own number of points. In the daily diet of those astronauts who needed to lose weight, the total amount of points did not exceed 40. Over a week they managed to lose up to 6 kg of excess weight!

The diet of American astronauts was classified as state secret, until the special services of the USSR disclosed this secret to the government of the Soviet Union. Within the walls of the Kremlin, this diet was called the Kremlin diet. The diet, which American astronauts adhered to, was adapted to our diet, but its basic principles remained the same: it is necessary to give up sweets, flour products, potatoes and rice; limit the consumption of vegetables, fruits, potatoes and cereals. The basis of the diet should be: lean meat, fish, cheese, vegetables with high water content (cucumbers, tomatoes). Find out how many carbohydrates are contained in a particular product, and what is the amount of points you can get from the table of points of the Kremlin diet.

Diet "The roller coaster"

Another wonderful American diet was the diet of Martin Katan. He gave her the name "Diet roller coaster", because the meaning of this diet is to not let your body adjust to a certain number of calories. It is known that our body is even able to get used to even the very minimum diet and stop losing weight. Then the nutritionist Martin Katan came up with the idea that the body can be deceived, and he came up with a 3-week diet based on the sharp rises in caloric intake. The first 3 days you need to reduce the number of calories consumed to 600, then 4 days your diet consists of 900 calories and last week the number of calories rises to 1200. Then you should repeat 3 days with 600 kcal and 4 days with 900 kcal. The results are simply stunning - 9 kg per week! And the body does not stop losing weight all three weeks, because it does not have time to adjust to the amount of calories that you consume. I would like to add that this diet - the American roller coaster diet - receives the greatest number of positive reviews.