Kefir diet "3-3-3"

Kefir diets are a whole separate branch in losing weight. All of them are rigid with a long list of restrictions, but the result is guaranteed, and in addition you also cleanse your entire digestive tract. Due to diets based on kefir, the production of insulin is normalized, the metabolism is activated, the color and skin condition improves.

The main disadvantage of kefir diet is that it is very difficult to hold on to it. Alas, after two days of pure consumption of kefir, many can not see this elixir of beauty and youth all their subsequent life. But there is a way out. Today we will not talk about kefir mono-diets, but on the contrary we will talk about the kefir diet 3 + 3 + 3, which combines kefir and less normal food.

Diet "3 + 3 + 3"

Duration of the diet is 9 days, divided into 3 equal cycles:

During the first cycle, or days 1, 2, 3, you eat 1% kefir and boiled rice. Throughout the day, you can drink kefir without limit in quantity, but the daily portion of rice is only 100 g.

The second cycle and days 4, 5, 6 - you also do not limit yourself in kefir, and a day you can eat 100g of boiled chicken without fat and without salt.

The third cycle is a three-day kefir-apple diet. You can not limit yourself neither in kefir, nor in apples.

During this diet, you can lose weight per kilogram per day. However, if you have any diseases, suspicions of intolerance to diet products, do not start it without consulting a therapist.

In addition, kefir for diet choose the freshest. The fact that kefir 1-2-day preparation has an anti-blocking effect, and yogurt from the preparation of which has passed from 3 days, on the contrary causes constipation.

Striped Diet

Another popular and effective diet is the striped kefir diet. Its essence is to alternate mono kefir days and days of usual nutrition. It would seem so convenient, one day to suffer, knowing that tomorrow you can eat normally. But it's not so simple ...

The body quickly adapts to this intake of calories, and on the day of "normal nutrition" it will be full of reserves, while slowing the metabolism, so that under no circumstances, nothing is not wasted.

And on the kefir day, you will be busy splitting the carefully stored fat reserves yesterday. Your weight loss will become like a pendulum, yesterday they scored, today they lost ... And what will be more zealous: a hunger strike on kefir or the preservation of the organism in reserves and slowing down of vital activity is a big question. In any case, it will not be useful.

Kefir unloading days

As an unloading, cleaning the body or just losing weight to an important event, you can use a 3-day kefir diet. The most attractive option is kefir plus apples . On the day you eat 1.5 kg of apples and 1.5 liters of kefir. And you can bake apples. For 3 days you will lose up to 4 kg.

Or another option - kefir-fruit unloading. The essence is the same as in the previous version, but there are different fruits. The main thing, do not choose the sweetest - bananas and grapes.

You can also arrange one-day unloading days on kefir and cottage cheese. During such discharges, a day you can drink 750 ml of low-fat kefir and eat 300 g of cottage cheese in 4-5 receptions.

Thanks to kefir and cottage cheese, the body will spend a lot of energy for their digestion, which means that the energy consumption will automatically increase. In addition, from milk yummy milk protein - casein, is digested much easier than from milk, which too will not be superfluous.

And if you just want to "keep" your intestines clean and tidy, block the growth of "enemy" microflora, drink kefir daily, in reasonable quantities.