Swollen and sore knee - what to do?

Diseases and injuries of the knee joint are accompanied by inflammation of the soft tissues and, as a result, redness of the skin, edema formation. The knee becomes the cause of the restriction of movements, which causes a feeling of considerable discomfort. The specialists answer the question about what to do if you are swollen and have a knee pain, you can find in this article.

What should I do if my leg is swollen around the knee?

A swollen knee joint may be a symptom of a number of diseases. The recommended treatment depends on the cause, which caused pathological changes in the tissues.

Arthritis or arthrosis

Arthritis affects the joints, articular membranes and cartilage. Inflammatory process in the knee area develops after the transferred infectious diseases or traumas. In the risk group:

Treatment of arthritis is aimed at the removal of inflammation and pain syndrome. Therapy includes the use of:

Additionally, drugs that strengthen immunity, and vitamin complexes can be prescribed.

Bursitis - inflammation of the joint bag

The pronounced edema and inability to bend the leg due to severe pain are characteristic signs of bursitis. The knee joint should be kept calm and alternately cold and hot local compresses. Good inflammation of the physiotherapy is removed. In severe forms of the disease, surgical intervention is recommended.

Tendonitis - inflammation of the tendons

Growing pain, together with inflammation and swelling, are symptoms of tendonitis. The disease occurs when excessive physical exertion, injuries, infections and disorders of the immune system. The affected limb should be bandaged and temporarily immobilized. For the removal of symptoms used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics.

Metabolic disorders with gout

Similar to arthritis, the symptomatology is gout . The deposition of uric acid salts causes pain and swelling in the knee joint. A characteristic sign of gout is an exacerbation of pain in the night and morning hours. To eliminate the symptoms should be kept bed rest, while laying under the affected limb divan roller. You can reduce the pain by applying ice to the swollen joint. At a gout the strict diet with simultaneous increase in volume of a consumed liquid is shown.

Injuries to the knee

The frequent cause of edema and pain in the knee joint are bruise, sprain and ligament rupture , displacement of the patella. What to do if the knee is very swollen and there is a suspicion that the tissues have been injured during a trauma? Specialists are unanimous: in case of any trauma you should immediately seek medical help. For the removal of inflammation, therapeutic ointments can be used:

Folk remedies for pain and swelling of the knee

Do not always have the opportunity to see a doctor right away if your knee is swollen. What to do in this case, and will the people's means help? Wizards have long been recommended to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation warm baths with broths of plants:

A therapeutic compress from the pounded leaves of plantain, the flowers of horse chestnut and white cabbage taken in equal parts helps a lot. The resulting gruel is applied to the diseased knee, the top is covered with a film. The compressor is aged for at least 4 hours.