Yucca Flower

Yucca is a beautiful and very unusual evergreen from the family of Agavovs. It is much like a palm tree, but it has nothing to do with palm trees. Therefore, yucca is sometimes called a "false palm tree".

Yucca can be either a garden or a room. For the house most often get an elephant or aloeleous varieties of a yucca flower. If you are going to grow this plant at home, be prepared for the fact that the yucca grows large, up to 2-3 m in height. A single plant can decorate a spacious living room or hall, often yucca is combined with other plants.

Features of yucca care

Yucca is considered an unpretentious flower. The main thing in caring for her is to provide good coverage, because in nature this plant lives in deserts and semi-deserts. When choosing a room for an indoor yucca flower, it's best to stop on the south or west window.

The temperature of the flower content ranges from +20 to + 25 ° C (+ 10 ° C during the rest period). He does not like yucca drafts and hypothermia, as well as a sharp drop in temperature, at which he may die.

Watering is also important when caring for yucca. Its main rules are as follows:

As for feeding, they are necessary for the plant in spring and summer. It is recommended to apply fertilizers every 2-3 weeks - it can be mullein, horse manure, leaf humus. Allowed and foliar fertilizing with mineral fertilizers in the form of spraying the underside of the leaves.

Transplant the plant as it grows into a larger pot, do it better in the spring or in the summer. Yucca is demanding for drainage of the soil - the role of drainage can be performed with expanded clay, broken brick, and fine gravel. In soil mixture for indoor flowers it is desirable to add coarse-grained sand. Transplant yucca follows the method of transshipment with maximum preservation of the earth coma around the roots. The only exception is the situation when the roots of the yucca began to rot, then they should be removed and the earth in the pot completely replaced.

When the yucca blooms, you can admire her beautiful white flowers-bells, which are collected in lush panicles. This applies only to the garden yucca, since indoor flowers do not usually bloom. However, there is one trick here - after wintering on the insulated loggia the yucca can blossom, as its flower buds are laid only during a long stay in a relatively cool place.

How to breed a yucca flower?

They propagate yucca more often in a vegetative way. Root can be either apical cuttings, or so-called offspring. It is also permissible to root parts of the trunk with axillary "sleeping" kidneys. Separate the part of the plant chosen for reproduction, sprinkle the cut with crushed activated carbon and sprout in moist sand until roots form. This takes about 2 months. The temperature should be maintained above 20 ° C, and the humidity should be increased by daily spraying.

After the stem has started its roots, it can be placed in a small pot with a ready-made substrate, and then transplanted as it grows.