When does pregnancy occur after ovulation?

As you know, every month in one of the ovaries maturation of the egg, which subsequently begins to move through the fallopian tubes, and falls into the uterine cavity. In the event that she meets with a spermatozoon, pregnancy occurs.

After what time does pregnancy occur after ovulation?

Many women are interested in the question of when pregnancy occurs after ovulation. As a rule, fertilization in this case is limited only by the viability of the egg and the timely arrival of the sperm.

The life of the released egg is only 24 hours. However, despite this, it can also be fertilized by those spermatozoa that remained in the uterus after sexual intercourse, because their viability is 3-5 days.

If we talk about when pregnancy begins after conception, then it should be noted that this process takes about 1 hour. This is due to the fact that in order for the sperm to reach the ovum, it is necessary to overcome the distance from the vagina to the uterine cavity, or fallopian tubes.

Through what time after monthly there comes pregnancy?

Many girls, trying as a method of contraception to use the physiological method, think about when pregnancy occurs after menstruation.

As you know, with the onset of menstruation begins a new cycle. Thus, after 14 days (if the cycle is 28 days), ovulation occurs, after which conception is possible.

How to count yourself when the pregnancy started?

Already after the woman has learned about pregnancy, she tries to calculate when pregnancy has come, but does not always know how to recognize and count correctly.

In such calculations it is necessary to take into account that pregnancy occurs only after ovulation, which is observed approximately in the middle of the cycle. Proceeding from this, taking from the duration of the cycle the number of days past ovulation, you can set an approximate date of conception. The doctor will determine the exact time by ultrasound.