How to determine the sex of the child on the table Vanga?

Today many parents try to foresee the sex of the future baby long before his birth. There are many different ways in which you can increase the likelihood of having a son or daughter. Nevertheless, one of these methods can not give a 100% guarantee of the birth of a child of a certain sex in the case of natural fertilization of a woman.

At the time of our ancestors, there were no such methods, and there was also no ultrasound, which can establish the sex of the child with incredible accuracy even during pregnancy. Over the years, people conducted a variety of observations, noted and recorded interesting facts, and the results of their inferences passed on to the next generation. So, from year to year, numerous tables and calendars were created, with the help of which it was possible to guess which child of the sex will be born to these or those parents.

One of the most popular methods today for determining the sex of the unborn child is Vanga's table. Despite the name, this table was not compiled by the greatest seer, but by her student Lyudmila Kim. Many mothers note that it was this method that allowed them to guess with the highest possible accuracy who would be born.

In this article, we will tell you how to determine the sex of the child on the table Vanga, as well as give the scientific ways that some moms and dads use in the planning stage of their baby.

Plan the sex of the child on the table Vanga

The table is as follows:

To determine the sex of a child in Vanga, it is necessary to correlate only 2 parameters - the age of the future mother at the time of conception and the calendar month in which this conception occurred. The dark green cell will predict the birth of a boy, and the light green one for the girl.

The main problem that arises when using this table is that a woman rarely knows the exact date when her baby was conceived. In addition, sometimes conception occurs precisely in the month when the future mother was born, in which case it is quite difficult to determine her exact age.

There is an opinion that women with negative Rh factor should use Vanga's calendar to determine the sex of the child "on the contrary." Nevertheless, in the writings of the author of the table Ludmila Kim there is no data on this.

How to predict the sex of a future child with high accuracy?

From the scientific point of view, Vanga's calendar, like any other, is not considered reliable. The coincidence of the sex of the already born child with that predicted by the table is most likely just an accident. Meanwhile, there are ways that allow future parents to plan the birth of a son or daughter with high scientific accuracy:

The conception of a boy or girl depends solely on which sperm fertilizes the egg-X or U. If you are interested in the birth of a future man, your task is to increase the number and viability of the U-type spermatozoa. Since "igrukki" move much faster than "iksy", make love for the purpose of conception of the boy you need exactly on the day of ovulation - so they can reach the egg as quickly as possible.

In addition, since Y-spermatozoa live relatively little, it is necessary to try to increase the time of their "working capacity". For this, a woman needs to eat foods rich in sodium and potassium. These minerals, entering the blood of the future mother, change the acidity of the vagina, thereby contributing to an increase in the viability of the S-spermatozoa.

For the birth of a girl, on the contrary, it is necessary to start having sex without protection 3-4 days before the onset of ovulation - in this case the probability that the egg will be fertilized by the X-type spermatozoon is much higher.