Endometriosis and pregnancy

Endometriosis, often observed in women, is one of the causes of infertility of married couples. That is why women who know about this are often interested in the question of whether pregnancy is possible with endometriosis.

What are the main causes of endometriosis?

The reasons for which endometriosis can develop are many. Sometimes to establish the one that led to the development of the disease is very difficult. This can be both a hormonal failure, and an immune imbalance caused by frequent stresses, a deterioration in the ecological situation, and also a hereditary predisposition. In medical practice, there were cases when pathology appeared in girls, even before the first menstruation occurred, as well as in women of menopausal age. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, endometriosis is a disease of women of reproductive age.

Can I put out a pregnancy with endometriosis?

Most often, pregnancy and endometriosis are two practically incompatible concepts. Thus, about 50% of women who have had this pathology, suffer from infertility. Approximately 40% of women diagnosed with infertility are due to endometriosis. Despite this, pregnancy with endometriosis of the uterus is possible. Moreover, there is such a fact, as treatment of endometriosis by pregnancy.

The thing is that during pregnancy there is a change in the hormonal background in the body of a woman. The secretion of estrogen by the ovaries sharply increases, and the yellow body, in turn, is formed before the onset of pregnancy (immediately after ovulation), produces progesterone in large quantities.

In the case when a good lactation develops after pregnancy, throughout the entire period of breastfeeding, a hypoestrogenic condition of the body is observed, which is caused by a decrease in the synthesis of estrogens. Therefore, even if endometriosis after pregnancy does not disappear, then during the lactation period, the activity of the pathological process is suppressed.

If a woman is identified, the so-called endometriosis cysts, then it is not worth counting on the fact that they disappear right after the birth of the baby. It can happen in practice only in isolated cases, which women often take for a miracle.

Is pregnancy possible after endometriosis treatment?

The probability of pregnancy after the treatment of endometriosis varies between 10 and 50. At the same time, a woman should understand that a decrease in the activity of the focus of pathology does not always completely eliminate the causes of the onset of the disease. The disease can only temporarily subside, and then manifest again.

As is known, chronic endometriosis is treated surgically and only after this pregnancy can occur. However, it is far from always necessary to resort to radical methods. Helps to reduce the pathological activity hormonal, as well as anti-inflammatory therapy, which in most cases is enough. It is conducted exclusively under medical supervision.

But even surgical treatment can not permanently rid the woman of endometriosis, which can occur during pregnancy.

Thus, no matter how negative the endometriosis did not affect pregnancy, cases of disappearance of the pathological focus immediately after the baby's appearance are known. However, in order for it to come, sometimes it is necessary to undergo long-term treatment to at least slightly mute the manifestations of endometriosis and localize the lesion of the uterine tissue.