Low testosterone in women

The hormone testosterone is important not only for the stronger sex, but also for the weak. This is one of the most important substances for the maintenance of human life. Low testosterone in a woman can adversely affect her health and condition, as well as his high level. In women, testosterone is excreted in the ovaries and sometimes in the adrenal cortex.

Reduced male hormone testosterone in women - symptoms

Low testosterone levels in women can lead to general body fatigue. Many signs can be given for an example:

Reducing the secretion of testosterone in conjunction with estrogen (sexual female hormone) and progesterone leads to the fact that the woman stops lubricating the walls of the genital organs. Women begin to feel severe pain during sex - sex life practically ceases.

Causes of low testosterone

Free testosterone (the component and the most active part of this hormone) in women is lowered when they eat few vitamins, they have a very rare sex life, there are diseases of the sexual and endocrine systems, bad habits, inactive way of life.

But the most important and dangerous is a violation or absence of menstruation (sometimes taken for pregnancy), it is not recommended to start such a state.

Reduced testosterone in women - treatment

To increase the level of the male hormone, women need to exercise as often as possible, regularly have sex, eat right and keep a good psychological state. If necessary, the gynecologist will prescribe corrective hormonal therapy.