Fertility prognosis

Fertility in scientific medicine is the ability of a person to conceive and give birth to a child. A few years ago, I studied the problem of infertility, only considered female fertility - the ability to become pregnant, endure and give birth to a child. Today, doctors often talk about male fertility.

Fertility tests

The number of infertile couples worldwide is steadily growing. And problems with conception can arise through the fault of both women and men. In order to determine the cause of the failure, doctors recommend that couples planning pregnancy, undergo special studies, or tests for fertility:

But what if problems with conceiving exist and the couple are not yet ready to seek help from a specialized medical institution? You can conduct a test for fertility at home.

The test for male fertility (or so-called spermogram at home) determines the concentration of sperm in the sperm of a man and in a few minutes allows you to assess his ability to conceive.

Women can use the fertility monitor, a device for determining fertility days, that is, a period during which conception is possible. It works the same way as tests for ovulation. The only negative is a very high price.

To determine favorable days for conception it is possible and with the help of signs of fertility:

  1. Observation of cervical mucus. A few days before ovulation, the amount of mucus increases, and shortly before the release of the oocyte, the mucus becomes transparent and viscous.
  2. Measurement of basal temperature. During the maturation of the follicle, the temperature does not exceed 37 ° C. Before ovulation, it decreases, and after it - sharply increases to 37.1 ° C and above.
  3. Other signs of fertility. Ovulation may be accompanied by breast sensitivity, pain in the ovaries; small bloody impurities in the mucus.

How to improve fertility?

In order to increase fertility, both women and men need to carefully monitor their health, control weight, regularly undergo medical examinations, abandon bad habits, fully eat, sleep, avoid stress and be physically active.