Iatrogenic and the causes of iatrogenic depression

Iatrogenic is a condition that is painful not only for the patient himself, but also for his surroundings. A patient suffering from iatrogenic will generally have a negative impact on all of his surroundings, but for the doctor, any of his mistakes, this is a serious tragedy.

What is iatrogeny?

The first time about this disease told O. Bumke, the famous German psychiatrist. In his scientific work, he raised the subject of mental disorders of the patient due to incompetence of the doctor. Bumka paid attention to iatrogenic as early as 1925, and the problem is still relevant today. The term iatrogenia is treated very narrowly and implies a disease that has a very negative effect on the psyche of a sick person. Iatrogenia is a disease that the doctor himself provoked.

Yatrogeny in Psychology

The main cause of all cases of the disease are medical errors, incorrect or unskilled behavior. Accidental and not intentional, but it happens that intentional. By his illiteracy or inadequacy, the doctor inspires the patient with certain information. After such communication, the patient becomes worse. Sometimes iatrogenic disease develops on the background of the fact that the doctor did not prescribe the correct treatment, prescribed narcotic drugs to a person inclined to addiction. Against this background, the patient developed iatrogenic dependence.

Diseases caused by iatrogeny can be in two forms:

  1. In the form of depression . The patient will suffer from a mental disorder , he may not have mood, all judgments will be pessimistic and he will not see any light in life, self-esteem will drop. Iatrogenic depression requires serious and qualitative treatment.
  2. Iatrogenia can develop against a background of hypochondria . It is the fear of contracting an incurable disease, taking too much care of health. Such people think that they are sick when they are not sick. And if their ailment is real, they do not believe in a cure, even if it's a common cold.

Causes of iatrogenia

The main cause of iatrogenia is called medical error. An illiterate doctor can tell a patient about 20 years old that with a diagnosis like he does not live long, do not reach 40. The person is upset. A smart person will go to another doctor, and a panicky patient may develop iatrogenic disorders, and simultaneously develop a state of depression and hypochondria .

Iatrogenia - Species

All that concerns this disease, directly affects the doctor who performed the treatment. The reason could be the medical staff who contacted the patient. Iatrogenic and medical error, these are almost words of synonym, there can be such a disease for a number of different reasons. There are several types of iatrogenia, each of them is caused by an unfavorable situation.

Iatrogenic and its types:

  1. Prognostic iatrogenia - it is caused by a doctor who made pessimistic predictions.
  2. Sestrogeny - caused by wrong and careless actions or words of a nurse.
  3. Jatropharmacogeny - drugs for treatment have been misdiagnosed.
  4. Manipulation iatrogeny is the result of incorrect medical manipulations.
  5. Diagnosis of iatrogenesis occurs in the case of an incorrectly diagnosed diagnosis.
  6. Laboratory iatrogenic - the doctor does not explain or carelessly explain the diagnostic results.
  7. Silent iatrogenia - due to the silence of the medical worker.
  8. Egrotogenia - two patients negatively affect each other.
  9. Ego - is associated with a negative self-hypnosis .
  10. Information iatrogeny - the patient read the wrong information about the disease, or she came from an illiterate specialist.

Iatrogenic and psychogenic

Specificity of the disease consists in the transferred disease of an emotional nature. It can only develop from contact with a doctor or other medical personnel. Iatrogenic is a kind of psychogeny. By psychogeny is understood the mechanism of the disease, in which the higher nervous system participates. The development of the disease can serve as iatrogenic factors.

Treatment of iatrogenia

The issue of iatrogenic disease is very acute in the modern world. Most of the problems are associated not just with medicine, but with ethics of behavior. The dispassion and composure of medical personnel must necessarily be combined with affability and attention, willingness to help. If psychiatric iatrogenia has yet acquired a man, and it is not enough to force oneself to take control of oneself, it is worthwhile to resort to the help of specialists. A psychiatrist or a psychotherapist will help to find ways to solve and combat the disease.