Furnishing Furnace

Independently put the oven can units, because the occupation is not easy and requires special knowledge and skills. But to determine the furnish of bricks can be a simple buyer, because for these purposes there are special materials.

Furnishing materials for furnaces and fireplaces

  1. Currently, the furnish of the stucco is in great demand. Working with it is fairly simple, but due to special techniques and adaptations the master achieves the effect of stone or wood. Mixtures withstand high temperatures and do not crack, the appearance of the finish retains a long time, and if desired, the color can always be updated.
  2. Expensive in all senses option is decorative furnish of tiles . This technique refers to the old, but its relevance has not lost. In fact, the furnish of the stove with tiles is unique, as tiles are often made for a specific project and are rarely found in mass production.
  3. If tiles are too expensive, you can replace them with tile stove . Of course, the appearance will not be as elegant and exclusive, but the tiles are as close as possible to the desired result. For furnish of the furnace a majolica is used with a tile. If you are not pursuing the goal of getting a tile-like finish, you can use clinker , clinker bricks, and porcelain stoneware .
  4. In any interior, it is appropriate to decorate the stove with a decorative stone . The essence of the process of finishing the furnace is not much different from working with the tile, but the final result is completely different. Here, the stone itself brings a note of coziness into the interior. Working with natural stone requires skills, here you must always contact the master. It is important to remember that decorative furnish of stoves with a stone is appropriate even in baths, provided a competent choice of material for high temperatures and humidity.