Horse chestnut - medicinal properties and contraindications

Horse chestnut is a deciduous tree of the Sapindov family. Its snow-white panicles adorn the avenues of thousands of cities and towns. But the flowers and fruits of horse chestnut, not only look spectacular, but also have medicinal properties. They are used in cosmetology and in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases.

Biochemical composition of horse chestnut

The horse chestnut has many healing properties, thanks to the fact that in its bark, flowers, fruits and seeds there are flavonoids of several groups. The raw materials of this tree contain:

In the horse chestnut, the content and glycosides are high. That is why it has a beneficial effect on the skin condition of the face, hair and body.

Healing properties of horse chestnut

Blood thinning, reduction of its coagulability and strengthening of the walls of the vessels are the main medicinal properties of horse chestnut, therefore its use is indicated for varicose, thrombophlebitis and hypertension. The fruits of this plant struggle with bad cholesterol and remove excess salts from the body. They are used to treat:

Indications for the use of horse chestnut tincture are cough and asthma, as it has unique healing properties - this remedy is capable of literally in a few days:

Broths from crusts of fruit of a tree apply at diseases of a liver, a lien and a cholic bubble. They improve digestion, relieve pain and swelling. Due to the fact that tincture of horse chestnut fruit has healing and other healing properties, its use is indicated for burns and furuncles. By making lotions with this remedy, you remove the itch of any etiology and accelerate the healing of wounds. Horse chestnut has a sedative effect on the body. That is why, it is used to treat:

Decoction of fruits or bark of chestnut can improve digestion and eliminate inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. It is used in the complex therapy of chronic diarrhea. From the leaves of this tree are prepared infusions, which are an excellent painkiller. They relieve pain in uterine and hemorrhoidal hemorrhages.

Contraindications to the use of horse chestnut

Horse chestnut has not only healing properties, but also contraindications. Therefore, before using any of the remedies made from its leaves, fruits, bark or flowers, be sure that you are not forbidden to take them. Horse chestnut liquefies blood and lowers blood pressure, which is why it is better to withhold hypertension from using drugs on its basis. It is not desirable to drink them and those who suffer from diseases accompanied by poor blood coagulability.

Contraindications to the use of horse chestnut tincture are:

Any decoctions and infusions from the leaves and fruits of this tree can not be taken internally for violations of the menstrual cycle. Individual intolerance and pregnancy are also contraindications to the use of horse chestnut.