Tibetan lofant - useful properties and contraindications

Grass Lofant Tibetan - a medicinal plant, the useful properties of which have long been known. But for many centuries this knowledge was available only to monks living in the monasteries of Tibet, and only in recent decades about the healing properties of the Tibetan lopant have been learned in other countries. From other types of loofah its Tibetan variety differs white or cream color of inflorescences in the form of an ear and large rounded leaves.

Useful properties of the Tibetan loser

Tibetan monks used a unique plant not only to treat various diseases, but also to rejuvenate the body. This effect is ensured by the unique composition of the Tibetan lofant. Among the substances contained in the grass are:

And now experts on medicinal herbs, comparing ginseng and lofant Tibetan, note the superiority of the latter. Regular reception of tincture of the lofant helps:

In addition, taking daily tincture or a decoction of the lofant Tibetan, you can achieve cleansing and restoring the structure of the skin, which favorably affects the appearance. Also, the products, prepared according to folk recipes, help with dermatitis , eczema and mycosis.

Tea, brewed with crushed grass, is an excellent fortifying agent and is intended for the treatment and prevention of anemia. Water or alcohol infusion of the Tibetan lofant rinse the throat and wash the nasal cavity in bacterial and viral infections.

For your information! If you are suffering from insomnia, we advise you to use a pillow filled with dried shoots and lofant flowers. Sleep will become calm and strong, in addition, headaches will cease.

The medicinal plant is also used in cosmetology. A valuable product is the extract of the lofant Tibetan, which is an oily substance of yellowish color. Possessing regenerative qualities, the oil of the plant is used to eliminate damage to the epidermis (burns, cuts, rashes). It is this substance that is added to hair shampoos, cosmetic masks and creams. If desired, you can add a decoction of the plant in the bath, make lotions on the face and décolleté zone. The result of using the compositions with the Tibetan Lofant is smoothing out fine wrinkles and acquiring an even, healthy skin color.

Contraindications to the use of the Tibetan loser

Due to the content of highly active substances, any medicinal plant, including Tibetan lofant, along with useful properties, has contraindications. It should be discarded in the treatment of phytostaels and decoctions of the Tibetan lofant in the following cases:

Also, you can not use funds with lofant in the presence of tumors, both benign and malignant, due to the fact that this medicinal plant has a stimulating effect on the physiological processes occurring in the body.

Attention! We recommend that you consult with your doctor before starting a treatment course with taking Tibetan lofant medications. This is especially important in case of using other drugs for chronic diseases.