Blackberry - useful properties

Despite the achievements of modern medicine, traditional methods of treatment often have a more pronounced effect in the treatment of many diseases. Today we will tell you about the medicinal properties of black elderberry - a plant that has long been used by healers and herbalists to heal from various diseases.

Black elderberry - useful properties

The considered shrub is a storehouse of irreplaceable elements for maintaining human health. Moreover, for the preparation of medicines, absolutely all parts of the plant are used.

The bark of black elderberry has useful properties due to the highly concentrated content of essential oils, phytosterol and choline. Broths and tinctures from this element of the bush help with all sorts of skin diseases, dropsy, gout, puffiness, arthritis and rheumatism. Also, medicines are recommended from the plant bark from diseases of the kidney and urogenital system.

Green leaves of black elderberry in folk medicine are used most, since they contain a whole list of medicinal substances:

When drying the leaves in them, provitamin A1 is also formed.

These substances help to cope with inflammatory processes in the body, diarrhea, furunculosis. In addition, the broth from the leaves of the bush has a diuretic, diaphoretic and antipyretic effect.

No less abundant chemical composition and in the inflorescences of black elderberry:

Therefore, shrub flowers are widely used for the treatment of colds, arthritis, rheumatism and gout.

Black elderberry berries show useful properties in such diseases as an ulcer, hepatitis, neuralgia of a different nature and even cancer. The composition of fruits is rich in vitamins, amino acids, flavonoids and antioxidants.

Blackberry - recipes and treatment

Broth from the bark from kidney and skin diseases:

  1. Grind the dry raw material to get 1 tablespoon of the ingredient.
  2. Place the bark in a glass dish (jar) and pour 150-200 ml of boiling water.
  3. After half an hour strain, drink 15 grams three times a day before meals.

Infusion of flowers of black elderberry from colds, sore throats :

  1. Insist 30 g of dry inflorescences in a glass of boiling water for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Take 100 ml before meals every day, three times.

The medicine from the young leaves of the plant from rheumatism, fever, flu:

  1. Thoroughly wash and shred the shoots of the bush to make a messy raw material in the amount of 1 teaspoon.
  2. Ingredient Ingredient 10 minutes in 1 cup boiling water.
  3. Take the remedy 15 minutes before meals two or three times a day for 150 ml (small sips).

Juice of black elderberry berries from mastopathy :

  1. From fresh pure fruits squeeze the juice in an amount of 250 ml.
  2. Mix the liquid with medical alcohol in the same proportion.
  3. Drink tincture 3 times a day, start with 1 drop and add one more with each medication. When their number is 40, continue treatment, similarly reducing the number of drops.

Black elderberry from cancer:

  1. In a 1-liter jar, place the berry bushes so that the layer is 1.5 cm high.
  2. Pour the ingredient with the same layer of sugar.
  3. Repeat until the dishes are full.
  4. Insist the mixture for about 20-30 days.
  5. Strain the remedy.
  6. Take the medicine immediately after each meal for 15 ml not less than 1.5 months. Repeat the course after 30 days.

Black Elder - good and bad

Despite such a number of useful properties of elderberry black, there are a number of contraindications: