Anal bleeding - causes and treatment at home

The appearance of red dots, clots or spots on paper after defecation indicates a violation of the integrity of the vessels in the mucous membranes of the intestine. Rectal bleeding serves as a stimulus for an emergency visit to the proctologist. The abundant release of biological fluid jeopardizes the health and life of a person.

Bleeding from the anus is the cause

There are many diseases accompanied by the symptom in question. Their diagnosis is based on the results of physiological examination, laboratory analysis or instrumental research. Bleeding from the rectum mainly causes the following pathologies:

Other possible causes of bleeding from the anus:

Bleeding from the anus without pain

With small benign neoplasms in the intestine, signs of their presence are rarely observed. They can be asymptomatically present in the body for decades without delivering unpleasant sensations. The accidental minor injury of such a tumor can provoke mild anal bleeding, which will quickly end on its own, but you will have to turn to the proctologist. The doctor will help determine the type of tumor, its size, propensity for growth and characteristics.

Short-term bleeding from the rectum without pain causes such benign tumors:

Bleeding after anal sex

The introduction of any foreign object into the anus often leads to mechanical damage to the mucous membranes. Because of this, bursts and bursts of blood vessels located close to the surface of the inner walls of the intestine. To cause strong anal bleeding such manipulations can not, but they cause the development of other diseases. Microscopic trauma on mucous membranes is a favorable condition for the penetration of infections and the onset of inflammatory processes.

Bleeding at anal fissure

This problem is the longitudinal rupture of the shell of the rectus intestine in the extreme rim of the anus. The main symptom of the pathology is repeated anal bleeding - the causes of its appearance consist in regular irritation of the damaged area of ​​the mucosa. Defecation, flatulence and physical activity provoke a violation of the integrity of capillaries and small vessels.

Severe bleeding from the anus even in the presence of even a large crack is unlikely. The biological fluid quickly folds to form a blood clot, so there are single red or scarlet spots on the toilet paper or paper small in size. With the healing of the rupture after cleansing of the intestine, brownish clots may appear from the anus.

Abundant hemorrhage with hemorrhoids

Inflamed and swollen veins are easily injured during defecation, especially if the feces are hard and move hard. Because of this, intense anal bleeding is observed, which can last several hours. The color of the emerging biological fluid acquires a bright scarlet and dark cherry hue, depending on the type of the damaged vessel.

Alternation of constipation and diarrhea, too, provokes bleeding from the rectum - the causes lie in stagnant phenomena, which are accompanied by thinning of the mucous membranes, their inflammation. Against the background of these pathological processes, small erosions are formed on the internal walls of the organ, with muscle tension or fecal movement they expand, damaging the nearby capillaries.

Bleeding in colorectal cancer

Malignant tumors progress asymptomatically, for a long time remaining unnoticed for the patient. The amount of biological fluid is initially insignificant, the profuse bleeding from the anal opening occurs already in late, untreatable, stages of cancer, when the tissues of the neoplasm and internal walls of the rectum decay. The color of the discharge is from the rich scarlet to black, like tar, the volume is not very large.

How to stop anal bleeding?

Detection of small solitary spots on a toilet napkin or linen should not cause anxiety, but requires the fastest possible treatment to the therapist and proctologist. The specialist through rectal examination will be able to identify the causes of anal bleeding and eliminate them, appointing an adequate complex therapy of the detected diseases.

If the described symptom is strongly pronounced, biological fluid is allocated for a long time and in significant amounts, this is a threat to human life. Intensive anal bleeding - what to do:

  1. It is urgent to contact the doctors and call a professional help team.
  2. Do not take any medications before the doctors arrive.
  3. Drink sweet tea or water with sugar to replace the loss of body fluids.

How to treat bleeding from the anus?

The problem under consideration is not an independent disease, but a clinical manifestation. With a huge number of pathologies that provoke anal bleeding, it is impossible to make a single scheme of its therapy. The medical approach will correspond to the diagnosis, form and severity of the disease. First, it is necessary to determine precisely why there was anal bleeding - how to treat this symptom the proctologist will recommend. It is dangerous to select medicines independently, this can worsen the course of pathology, cause complications.

Hemorrhoids with bleeding

Drugs designed specifically to combat this symptom with venous inflammation do not exist. With hemorrhoids, proctologists do not stop bleeding from the rectum - treatment involves removing the cause of the pathology, rather than its consequences. The therapeutic complex includes agents that normalize the venous outflow, the density and viscosity of the biological fluid:

In addition, local medicines may be used in the form of gels, ointments or creams:

Candles with anal bleeding

Suppositories that promote the healing of mucosal lesions and restore the integrity of blood vessels should be prescribed by the proctologist after diagnosis. The doctor will pick up such rectal suppositories with a bleeding from the rectum, which will have an effect for a specific reason: