Enterovirus - symptoms

Fever and malaise accompany most infectious diseases. Therefore, it is important to determine in time that the enterovirus has entered the body - the symptoms of this group of pathologies are quite specific, so the disease is easily diagnosed. Treatment of infection at the beginning of its progression will help prevent the development of numerous complications of the intestinal virus, including severe disorders of the central nervous system.

Early symptoms of enterovirus in adults

The described family of viruses counts more than 100 dangerous for human serotypes. They are divided into 4 groups:

The clinical manifestations of each variety of pathogenic microorganisms are different, but there are common signs that appear almost immediately in the field of infection:

It should be noted that in people with normal activity of the immune system, enteroviruses can generally be asymptomatic. The listed phenomena are found in persons with weakened body protection, multiple chronic diseases, immunodeficiencies, oncological pathologies.

In the absence of treatment, the characteristic features of the disease increase and become more pronounced.

The main signs of enterovirus in adults

Manifestations of pathologies caused by viruses from all 4 groups are very diverse. They depend not only on the state of the immune system, but also on age, chronic diseases and the way of life of a person.

The main symptoms of enteroviruses from the Coxsackie group and the ECHO:

Polioviruses and enterovirus types 68-71 cause more severe symptoms and dangerous diseases:

All these conditions are extremely dangerous for the life of patients, so the slightest manifestations of the consequences of infection with the virus - an excuse to immediately go to the clinic.

Symptoms of meningitis and other complications of enterovirus

If such pathologies as hepatitis, myocarditis, neuritis and other signs of infection progression are easily diagnosed because of a pronounced clinic (pain in the liver, heart, nerve roots, kidneys), then there are often difficulties in detecting serous meningitis. Its symptoms are usually caused by enterovirus type 71, because from the intestine this species of pathogenic microorganism quickly penetrates into the blood and membranes of the brain.

Typical signs of meningitis: