Heart disease - symptoms

In the modern world, sometimes the diseases themselves are not terrible, but their consequences. And it is a medical fact that, having transferred many infectious diseases on the legs, very often complications lead to heart disease, namely vice.

Heart disease - what is it?

Infringements in receipt of inflows of blood, blood circulation of the heart, changes in the work and structure of its walls, partitions, valves, small and large vessels lead to heart disease. Heart disease is classified as congenital or acquired, which, in turn, have their subclasses. When heart disease symptoms in adults can be similar, and the diagnosis is different, and the treatment is also different.

Signs of congenital heart disease

Basically, congenital heart disease is diagnosed at the time of the birth of the child or in the first three years. However, there are cases when the symptoms of heart disease in adults are diagnosed as congenital, which previously was asymptomatic.

The main symptoms of congenital heart disease:

Aortic stenosis

Constriction of the aortic valve (stenosis) is the most common congenital malformation. A deficient blood outflow or influx, a small supply of oxygen causes such symptoms in aortic heart disease:

Rheumatic polyarthritis, myocarditis

Acquired heart disease by symptoms allows you to determine the criteria and localization of functional changes leading to abnormalities in the work of the heart. Endocarditis , atherosclerosis and rheumatic inflammation (complications after pharyngitis, sore throats, SARS) can cause changes in the heart valves (narrow and deform), provoke heart failure.

Often the symptoms depend on which valves or combination of them were affected. Rheumatic polyarthritis, rheumatic myocarditis are diagnosed in the laboratory with blood tests, electro-, echocardiograms, but there are also visual signs.

Rheumatic heart disease is accompanied by such symptoms:

Heart failure in heart disease additionally causes such symptoms:

It should be noted that the visible symptoms of heart disease (congenital, acquired defects) do not always lead to confirmation of the diagnosis after the examinations. Similarly, with some minor symptoms, and even their absence, you may have great heart problems.

Wars do not take away as many lives as the number of our planet with a diagnosis of heart disease is constantly decreasing. Sport, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, constant monitoring of blood pressure - this is what is needed for preventive measures to prevent diseases related to the heart.