The nail grew into a finger

An ingrown toenail or toe is common. And this disease has its own medical name - onychriptosis . It is characterized by the ingrowing of the edge of the nail plate into the soft tissues surrounding the nail, which leads to trauma and inflammation. Most often the disease occurs on the toes.

Why do nails grow on legs?

The causes of onochryptosis include:

What threatens the nail, which has grown into a finger?

Do not minimize such a problem as onychrictosis. After all, chronic injury of soft tissues necessarily causes inflammation, which leads to the appearance of palpable pain, discomfort when wearing shoes, bleeding and can eventually end up suppurating soft tissues. If you do not take measures, or just simply thoughtlessly cut the ingrown toenail of the big toe, then the inflammatory process becomes chronic. In advanced cases, there is the development of phlegmon and even sepsis or gangrene, especially in people with circulatory disorders.

Treatment of ingrown toenail

Methods of treatment of onochryptosis are divided into conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment of ingrown nails provides finger treatment with antiseptics for the removal of inflammation (chlorophyllipt, chlorhexidine, ioddicerin), as well as the use of trays with medicinal herbs (chamomile pharmacy). These procedures are performed to relieve inflammation and drying of soft tissues, after which the nail should be carefully filed. Prevention of ingrown nails involves a regular pedicure (preferably with a specialist) with the formation of a square shape of the nail plate and the rounding of the sharp tips.

In difficult cases, surgical removal of the nail plate is performed. This is a rather traumatic and painful method with a long rehabilitation period and the possibility of relapse. Therefore, in our time, the method of removing the damaged sections of the nail with a laser is increasingly used. It reduces the risk of relapse to a minimum, has a short rehabilitation period and retains the natural shape of the nail plate.