MSCT of the abdominal cavity with contrasting

Multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) can reveal various pathologies at the earliest stages of development and detect neoplasms as small as a few millimeters, especially when contrast media are administered. Today, this technology is considered the most informative diagnostic method, providing the maximum amount of information about the study zone. Therefore MSCT of abdominal organs with contrasting is the best modern way of visualizing the state of the digestive system.

Why MSCT of the abdominal cavity with contrast?

Indications for referral to the study under consideration are the following states:

It is important to note that MSCT of abdominal organs without intravenous administration of contrast agents is less informative. Qualified clinicians generally do not advise it to perform, if there is a possibility of carrying out tomography with contrasting.

How is the MSCT of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space done?

The procedure is performed on an empty stomach, preparation is necessary on the eve:

The study is quite simple - the person is placed on a horizontal surface, in the ulnar vein is installed a catheter (venflon) with a contrast medium. Within a few minutes, the device produces a series of high-speed X-ray images, which are immediately processed on a computer to obtain a 3-dimensional image.