Photo wallpapers

People broke through to the stars only half a century ago, but the love of the common man to the cosmos has been around for millennia. Endless expanses, obscurity and mystery, black holes and fiery giants - all this frightens and attracts at the same time. If primitive people could observe the sky strewn with distant lights directly from their hut or cave, now the philistine has separated from nature by double-glazed windows, concrete walls and brick partitions . Pasting the space on the wall of photo wallpapers is a way to bring back romance to your home, the opportunity to create in the room a beautiful and fabulous atmosphere of your flew away childhood.

How to use space wallpapers in the interior?

Romantic star landscapes are quite versatile. Therefore, wallpapers of space can be successfully glued to both the ceiling and the walls. The main thing is to find an image that is not frightening, catching up, or somehow reducing the space. But here it is also necessary to follow certain basic rules.

On the ceiling, large drawings of planets or comets look somewhat inappropriate, they are capable of putting pressure on the eyesight. Dark pictures narrow the size of the room, which is bad for a small bedroom. Try to use the game of contrasts, pasting neighboring walls with a lighter canvas. Photo wall-papers in children's space should not be very gloomy, it is better to use blue or light blue shades. Planets or stars should please the eye in this room. In the children's bedroom wallpaper on the space theme can be decorated with characters of cartoons or films, space liners or stations. This pattern has a learning effect, it is capable of exciting the imagination and inspiring a romantic atmosphere.

The effect of three-dimensional space

It is not necessary to buy a 3D wallpaper, so that the room looks chic. A small trick will help to make sure that the infinite star space will, as if to surround you from all sides. Place the wallpaper on the adjacent walls and the illusion is ready. In the nursery, many people completely cover the walls with canvasses on this magical theme, turning the room into an island, lost among the starry space. Now there is an opportunity to buy, both simple wallpaper, and the material, capable to create various effects. Quite popular canvases, where the drawings are created with the help of fluorescent paints. They are not expensive and look great at night. Accumulated light with the advent of twilight is emitted, creating wonderful fantastic pictures.