Fighting cellulite at home

Cellulite is the problem of many modern women. Moreover, to suffer from a hated orange peel, even young girls - the disease does not spare anyone. Because of this problem, many women are forced to embarrass themselves on the beach, and some even refuse to sunbathe. Fortunately, the fight against cellulite is possible even at home. A lot of strength will not be taken away from treatment, but it will take a lot of time for it. It must be understood that the skin simply will not be able to recover in a couple of days, not even months.

Effective methods to combat cellulite

You should realize that cellulite, once appearing, will remain forever. He can not be cured completely. But to disguise, eliminate and prevent the appearance of all external manifestations of the disease is quite real.

The guarantee of successful treatment of orange crust is in observance of several simple rules. If these tips are not adhered to, the desired positive effect will be very difficult to achieve.

So, starting the fight against cellulite in the home, you need:

  1. Change your diet, making it as healthy and diverse as possible. It is very desirable to give up alcohol and nicotine, stop drinking coffee and various carbonated drinks. Instead, in the daily menu it is recommended to add products containing lecithin, fatty acids: eggs, fish, nuts, spinach, broccoli.
  2. With cellulite, you need to drink plenty of water. It will help wash the body of excess fluid, and at the same time harmful substances. This, in turn, will help to eliminate swelling and lead to a decrease in the volume of the thighs.
  3. An obligatory component of the fight against cellulite in the home is sports. Do not worry, it is not necessary to sign up for the gym, although it is very desirable. A simple, but regular charging will be enough. During the practice, focus on the buttocks. If you still get to the gym, spend more time on cardio .
  4. Do not forget to use anti-cellulite drugs. Choosing them, it is preferable to give preference to the product of well-known brands, such as Vichy, for example.
  5. It will be ideal if you sign up for a massage. Even one course will help to quickly restore the skin, restore her smoothness and softness.

The most famous ways to fight cellulite

Effective recipes, helping to restore the skin in cellulite, there are quite a lot:

  1. One of the most simple and incredibly pleasant methods is baths with sea salts or dry algae. You can take them all women, except those who have problems with the cardiovascular system. Before starting the procedure, several pinch of salt or algae should be thrown into the water. It is recommended not to take a bath for more than twenty minutes. A week in a week will be quite enough. After the pair You can see positive changes in the sessions.
  2. Very effective in controlling cellulite are contrasting douches. They help to increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation, raise the mood.
  3. Honey massage is extremely useful. The procedure will not only disperse blood, but also give the skin tenderness, smoothness, silky. The ideal massage mixture is prepared from honey with the addition of lemon, lavender and eucalyptus oil.
  4. Even with varicose veins, the fight with cellulite involves the use of special scrubs. The best is considered a coffee remedy. Take the remaining thick in the cup and thoroughly rub it with problem areas. This procedure not only improves skin condition, but also relieves swelling. Rinse the scrub in about ten minutes under running water.