In the heat swelling of the legs - what to do?

The problem of leg swelling disturbs many not only from the cosmetic point of view. Discomfort, fatigue, unpleasant sensations in the lower limbs - here is a list of those sensations that you want to get rid of those who suffer from swollen feet. The causes of the appearance of edema are several, and many of them are not so harmless at all. Let's figure out why the feet sweat in the heat, and what should be done.

What if the legs swell in the summer?

Swelling of the legs in the summer is the result of excessive accumulation of fluid in soft tissues. In the hot time people try to drink a lot of different drinks, they sweat more often. As a result, the water-salt balance of the body is broken, the kidneys can not cope with their task.

On the question of how to be, we advise you to monitor the quantity and quality of liquid and food consumed:

  1. It is undesirable to drink carbonated drinks, it is better - herbal teas, fruit drinks or compotes, but without sugar.
  2. You can drink lemon-acid water.
  3. Try to exclude salted, smoked and spicy food.

Strongly swollen legs in summer in the heat and with varicose veins. The walls of the vessels are thinned by the action of heat and a large volume of liquid and begin to flow water into the intercellular space.


  1. It is necessary to give legs more often, if possible, lying down to raise their legs higher.
  2. It is good to take contrast shower in the morning and evening, paying special attention to the legs - it improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels.

Those who are accustomed to wearing shoes or sandals with high heels, as well as excessive squeezing of the feet with tight shoes, can swell strongly during a hot period. Comfortable shoes are the guarantee of healthy legs.

In the category of those who are more prone to the appearance of edema, people with a "standing" profession - hairdressers, sellers, surgeons and others. Suffer also those who have a "sedentary" office work.

Necessarily need to do exercises for the legs, even the most simple. For example:

  1. Rolling from heel to toe and back.
  2. At home, you can roll a rolling pin or a solid ball with bare feet.

Still need to try to walk more.

What to do, with the help of folk remedies, if the legs swell in the summer?

Many are interested in what kind of folk remedies exist for leg swelling in the summer. Summer is a rich time. This season, to help get rid of excess fluid that causes swelling, will help such natural diuretics, such as:

Well assisted trays with different composition:

It is important that there are no contraindications to these or other means.

You can do a foot massage with ice slices from herbal decoctions.

Another popular way is rubbing the place of edema with infusions of garlic.