Heart Attack Symptoms

Cardiovascular disease is one of the most frequent causes of death. More than a third of Europeans die because of heart disease. Heart attack - myocardial infarction - irreversible pathological damage to the heart muscle, which occurs in the course of insufficient supply of blood. A high percentage of this terrible disease is due to the fact that the first signs of a beginning pathology are easy to miss or confuse with the symptoms of another ailment. In addition, if medical care is not available within 30-60 minutes from the onset of an attack, myocardial damage covers all large areas and reduces the likelihood of a successful outcome.

The first signs of a heart attack

The first "bells" of the beginning problems with the heart muscle for any person, especially the elderly, should be:

  1. Constant dyspnea , as with physical exertion (walking, doing routine tasks), and in a relaxed state. This is due to the inability of the heart to deliver the right amount of oxygen to the tissues of the lungs.
  2. Periodic or persistent unpleasant pain in the chest. Perhaps their spread to the arm, neck, jaw on the left side. It is also possible the appearance of heartburn or pain in the area of ​​the stomach.
  3. Weakness and constant fatigue also speaks of the inability of the heart to cope even with the usual load.
  4. Violation of coordination, dizziness.
  5. Puffiness of the extremities.
  6. Frequent acceleration of the heartbeat and pulse for a long time.
  7. Increased sweating, a sense of anxiety for no apparent reason, insomnia.

Heart attacks - symptoms in women

Signs of a heart attack in women differ from those described by men. Female signs of a heart attack are not clearly expressed due to the development of estrogen, which is designed to protect the female heart from disease. As a rule, the first signs of a heart attack in the weaker sex are:

  1. Apathy and exhausting fatigue, which does not disappear even after a good long rest.
  2. Pain between the shoulder blades, in the arm, in the neck. Feeling of strained, strained back muscles.
  3. Nausea, abnormality of the stomach and pain in it;
  4. Dizziness with loss of balance is possible.

The main symptom of the heart attack that has started is that in both women and men pain is. It from a localized focus, usually located on the left side of the chest, extends to the entire upper body: the back, arms, neck, lower face.

The nature of this pain is sharp, cutting, and interfering with breathing. Pain is the result of a physical or nervous strain on the background of unrest or stress. Passes after taking Nitroglycerin. This distinguishes her from pain in intercostal neuralgia, which is often confused with a heart attack. A heart attack in both men and women occurs against a background of dyspnea, a sharp decrease in pressure, a strong weakness, possibly a blue nasolabial triangle.

Nausea and stomach pain during a heart attack can confuse a person. Such symptoms are typical for poisoning, exacerbation of peptic ulcer and cholecystitis.

With shingles, the symptoms are also similar to the symptoms of a heart attack. Eliminate a heart attack will help the blisters on the skin that arise during the inflamed intercostal nerve.

Prevention of heart attacks

To reduce the likelihood of an attack, at any age should be very careful about their health. Among the mandatory measures:

Admission of special vitamins to maintain the heart and a balanced diet will help your heart stay healthy for a long time.