Will in psychology

Belief in one's own strength, self-discipline, determination, courage, patience-there are so many names in the will. But depending on the circumstances, the situation, it takes on a different shape. Will is one of the most complex phenomena in modern psychology. This is some kind of inner power that can control your decisions, actions, and, as a result, the results of actions. It is thanks to the willful character that a person is able not only to set goals that are impossible to achieve at first glance, but also to achieve them, overcoming any obstacles on the way to this.

Kinds of Will in Psychology

There are three most common types of this important component of the human psyche:

  1. Free will is referred to in other words as spiritual freedom. It is this freedom of decisions and actions that is characteristic of deeply believing personalities. For example, it is worth remembering how the monks live. They easily renounce material wealth and live "not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."
  2. The will, called natural, is manifested in freedom of choice, thinking, views, judgments, and human behavior.
  3. And the last kind is an involuntary will characterized by an imposed decision. In this case, you are forced to make your choice as necessary in connection with certain established circumstances.

Development of the will

In psychology, the development of the will in a person is attributed, in the first place, to the main signs of behavior of other living beings. It is commonly believed that this conscious quality (that is, a person is able to control the manifestation of will in his behavior) arose with the emergence of society, social labor. The will is connected with emotional and cognitive processes in the human psyche.

It is important to note that it has two functions:

It is our activity that ensures the functioning of the first, and the inhibitory one acts in unity with the previous one and manifests itself in the form of restraint of those manifestations of activity, that is, actions that contradict the norms of morality and society. Thanks to the interaction of the two functions, the person manages to develop the willed qualities, overcome the obstacles on the way to achieving the desired.

If the life conditions of a person have been unfavorable since childhood, there is little likelihood that cherished volitional qualities will be developed in it. But determination, perseverance, discipline, courage, etc. can always be developed. To do this, the main thing, doing various types of activities, overcome both external and internal obstacles.

But it will not be superfluous to indicate a list of those factors that inhibit strong-willed development:

Properties of the will in psychology

  1. Volitional properties are manifested in the ability not only to correctly set, but also to achieve the goal. In other words, if you are a motivated person, this indicates that your personality is endowed with developed willpower.
  2. Determination. The next property of the will is the ability to quickly and thoughtfully choose its goal , while not forgetting the ways to achieve it.
  3. Perseverance. Properly defined motivation can not only help you achieve what you want, but also strengthen your will, and in psychology, persistent people are characterized as those who are able to correctly assess the situation by finding in it something that will help them achieve their goal.
  4. Excerpt. It is in this property that the inhibitory function, which was mentioned earlier, is clearly pronounced.
  5. Independence. If you are not alien on your own initiative to set a goal and carry out the decision you made, this willed property is developed in you.