
Advertising, the media, the opinions of surrounding people, one's own convictions and thoughts can influence us and our behavior. The degree of influence depends on the suggestibility of a person. Who is most prone to manipulation and how to avoid pressure from outside - read about this further.

Calm and common sense

Increased suggestibility is peculiar to people impressionable and emotional. The inability to think and reason logically, the difficulty in adequately assessing the situation and the generally low intellectual level also makes a person vulnerable.

The test for suggestibility and its diagnostics is carried out within the framework of self-knowledge sessions or purposeful pursuits of getting rid of this problem. People who are influenced often face nervousness, anxiety, emotional breakdowns and depression, and become hostage to other mental disorders. Due to the high degree of suggestibility, it is possible to become a victim of scammers, from whose activities our society, unfortunately, is not protected.

The intragroup suggestibility is all the more difficult the higher the cohesion and unity of opinions of the members of the group. When a person is interested in a question, it will be easier to influence his opinion if he does not understand the topic under discussion. An educated and informed person will not succumb to persuasion and will be able to protect the group from such a mistake. The latter depends on interpersonal relations within the "collective".

Is it possible to "re-educate" yourself and how to do it? The answer is, in fact, very simple - you need to work on yourself:

Do not stop in your development, be vigilant and reasonable.