Stages of alcoholism

Alcoholism is a serious illness leading to the degradation of the person . People who drink alcohol for years and decades, cease to control themselves, which causes serious problems at home and at work. There is an opinion that moderate consumption of alcohol is not harmful, and sometimes even useful. But quite often moderate doses become more frequent and lead to illness.

Alcoholism: Stages and Symptoms

Alcoholism is a progressive disorder that occurs in three successive stages. This transition occurs imperceptibly for the patient himself. For others it is quite obvious. Relatives and relatives notice how a person from the stage of "cultural drinking" goes to the initial stage of alcoholism.

There are 3 stages of alcoholism:

  1. The first stage is characterized by an overwhelming desire to consume alcoholic beverages. The patient at this stage does not notice that his addiction has developed into a disease. Human behavior changes, it becomes aggressive, irritable, in some cases retrograde amnesia can be observed.
  2. The second stage of alcoholism causes addiction in the patient. Increased endurance in relation to alcohol, the attraction is growing stronger, and self-control is weakening. Human behavior is unpredictable, can pose a threat to others. At this stage of chronic alcoholism, painful symptoms begin to manifest. One of the most common violations - "withdrawal syndrome" - a set of psychosomatic disorders that have arisen due to constant intoxication. Symptoms of this disorder: trembling of the eyelids, tongue and fingers, high blood pressure , rapid pulse, insomnia and vomiting.
  3. At the third stage of chronic alcoholism, the use of alcoholic beverages begins to have a regular character, there is a complete degradation of the personality, as a result of irreversible changes in the nervous system. The general condition of the patient worsens: there may be encephalopathy, hepatitis and other terrible diseases.

Female alcoholism - stages

Women undergo the same three stages, only they develop differently. Men often drink in companies, women do not need a company, they can drink secretly, alone. They sleep more quickly, and the treatment is much more difficult.

The first stage lasts three to four years, a woman can drink low-alcohol drinks, but already at this time, habituation arises and she can not stop.

The middle stage of alcoholism also manifests itself in the withdrawal syndrome and the need to get drunk. Life without alcohol loses its meaning, binges begin. Family, children, work - all fades into the background. Often, realizing the deplorable state of their condition at this stage, women make attempts to quit drinking, as chronic fatigue arises and general physical health deteriorates. The last stage of alcoholism in women is the stage of degradation and retribution for long-term connivance. Heavy binges, liver damage, psychosis, memory disorders, dementia and high mortality are all a consequence of alcoholism. The best years of life are lost, but even from this stage people managed to get out, unfortunately, without the restoration of lost health.

Alcoholism - stages and treatment

Currently, the fight against alcoholism is very effective. It is conducted in several stages. At the initial stage, the patient has a hangover syndrome and alcohol intoxication, and then go on to treatment of post-abstinence syndrome. At the last stage of treatment, remission of alcoholism is stabilized and preventive measures are taken to eliminate possible relapses. In addition to medical measures, the patient needs psychotherapy.