How to love yourself and increase self-esteem?

A person who loves and appreciates himself can be seen right away. He is confident in himself, knows how to go to the goal, keeps himself on top, is not touchy and respects others. A person with high self-esteem has a higher chance of success than a person with an understated or inflated self-esteem.

Many women are trying to find an answer to the question of how to love yourself and increase self-esteem . Such a demand for the question suggests that an understated or inflated self-esteem is a problem for a whole stratum of society.

Attitudes toward oneself are formed in early childhood, often from the attitude of parents to the child. Parent's hyperoperation or constant disregard for the child causes the child to feel a sense of uselessness or of excessive importance. Both are serious obstacles in the development of interpersonal relations and the ability to plan goals and achieve them.

Often, women with low self-esteem begin to think about how to love themselves and respect them, after they begin to pursue the failures in their personal lives. Women who do not value themselves do not cause interest in men. Such women are more often abandoned, neglected, not appreciated. In general, people around us treat us the way we treat ourselves.

How does a woman love herself and increase self-esteem?

Work to increase self-esteem is, first of all, work on oneself. Increase self-esteem in a short time will not work, because problems with assessing themselves formed over the years. If you want to change your life for the better, then help tips like how to love yourself and raise self-esteem:

  1. Give one evening to write on a sheet of paper all the reasons for where the problems with self-esteem could come from. If you dig into your past, it becomes clear that a problematic self-evaluation is a result of the wrong attitude of the surrounding people towards you. No your fault in this.
  2. It is necessary to understand that success and happiness do not depend only on external data, intelligence and some abilities. Everyone can be happy, just like everyone can make himself unhappy.
  3. Write down on paper or in a text document and print out a list of your positive qualities. Usually it is difficult for a person with low self-esteem to do this. For example, you can find a list of all the positive qualities of a person on the Internet. A personal list should have at least 20 positive qualities. This record should be put on your desktop and periodically re-read.
  4. You need to take time, take care of your body, dress it in beautiful clothes. People with low self-esteem do not know how to spend money on their appearance. Care for the physical side will tell the brain that the body is worthy of respect.
  5. We must learn to say to the people around us "no." Do not be afraid that others will be unhappy with the refusal. The most important thing is to learn how to talk about your desires and feelings. Even if friends are unhappy with the new type of behavior, they will eventually learn to respect your opinion.
  6. If a woman thinks about what she needs to love herself, she needs to understand what she is dissatisfied with herself. Sometimes there is a loop on some moment, which is considered the most important in self-perception. A woman can think that she is too full to be respected, or too shy. If this drawback seriously hinders, it is necessary to begin work on it. However, life shows that this is just the reason for low self-esteem: it is worth removing one reason, as another appears.

All these tips, how to become a reasonable selfish person and love only yourself, will help raise yourself above the desires of other people. Only when a person can put his interests and values above other people, he can really love someone.