Old English diet is the most effective weight loss options

England - a country that is interesting not only for its traditions and history, but also for culinary delights. English women have long been an example of beauty and sophistication, so many people are eager to look at them in the kitchen to find out what foods and principles of nutrition help them look that way.

What do the English eat?

For the inhabitants of England, the traditions that touched the principles of nutrition are more important. Breakfast comes early at about 7-8 in the morning and it is a caloric intake, which is important for obtaining energy before lunch. The most popular dish is oatmeal cooked on milk with the addition of sugar or honey. Eggs, warm salad, bacon, pates, toast with jam and tea are served for breakfast.

The main meal for the inhabitants of foggy Albion is lunch and it is the most plentiful. More often for him choose: broths, soups, meat, fish, salads and vegetables. Puddings, pies and biscuits are served for dessert. Many people are wondering why the British eat a lot of vegetables, so these products are the most useful for health and weight loss. About five o'clock there is a traditional tea-party. Dinner is an easy meal and includes stews or fish, eggs, cottage cheese, fruit and cheese.

Old English diet for weight loss

Many may be surprised by the availability of bread and butter in the menu, but believe me, even using such products, you can achieve weight reduction. This is due to the low calorie content of the whole diet. The Old English diet is effective due to the exclusion of salt. This helps to remove excess fluid and toxins from the body . Old English diet, the menu of which must be observed unconditionally, does not prohibit jam.

Old English diet for 5 days

The menu, designed for such a short period of time, is not hungry. The Old English diet for 5 days, the menu of which includes four meals, implies the use of oatmeal for breakfast. You can not use additional snacks. Bread included in the diet should be either rye or whole grains. It is important to drink at least 1.5 liters a day. The last meal should take place no later than eight in the evening.







oatmeal and tea

as on Monday

oatmeal, 1/3 cup of jam and tea

as on Monday

a piece of bread with butter and cheese, and tea


a portion of chicken broth, a slice of bread and tea

2 eggs, a slice of bread with butter and cheese, and tea

boiled shank and tea

3 eggs

1 tbsp. milk and boiled shank


a cup of strong tea without sugar


a slice of bread and butter and tea

2 apples

boiled bean

2 pears

2 boiled potatoes and tea

The Old English diet 21 days

The presented power scheme is designed for a longer period and is an alternation of unloading, vegetable and protein days. The London diet helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances and improve health and complexion. All the above rules are preserved. The Old English diet means eating stewed, boiled, steamed and baked food. It is recommended to take additional multivitamin preparations.

  1. The first two days are unloading on milk. The body is cleansed and slimming processes are started.
  2. The second two days are protein. This time is important for replenishing the lost protein.
  3. The third two days are fruit and vegetable. The body is saturated with vitamins, minerals and fiber.





Fasting day

bread, 1 tbsp. kefir and tea

1 tbsp. low-fat kefir / milk


1 tbsp. low-fat kefir / milk and bread

Protein day

a couple of pieces of whole grain bread with honey and tea

broth on meat, 150 g of green peas and bread

0.5 tbsp. nuts with honey and yogurt

low-fat meat and a piece of cheese

Vegetable day

grapefruit or 2 apples

vegetable soup with a spoon of butter or vinaigrette

a couple of unsweetened fruits

vegetable salad and tea with honey

Old English diet - the results

The presented methods are effective, helping for a short time to throw off several kilograms. For five days, you can lose about 5 kg. The result depends on the initial scores on the scales, this can be replaced by examining the examples of those who were helped by the Old English diet, the photos before and after really amaze. Do not stick to diets longer than the allotted time.

Old English diet - photos before and after