Sofia Vergara hints at pregnancy

Last fall, Sofia Vergara, the star of the American Family, and Joe Manganello, who starred in Super Mike, legitimized their relationship. The actress, without specifying the reasons, decided to immediately suppress all the gossip about her interesting situation, saying that she would not be able to give the heir to her husband's beloved husband. Has everything changed?

Addition in the family

A few days ago, several foreign publications, referring to information received from a close friend of 44-year-old Sofia Vergara, wrote about the pregnancy beauties. The insider said that Sofia had not resorted to the services of a surrogate mother and was carrying herself under the heart of the child herself, feeling incredibly happy.

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Indirect confirmation

After the publication of the joyful news, the actress placed in her Instagram several fresh pictures. On one of them she is sealed herself, and on the other - in an embrace with her husband. The tummy of the slender smiling Vergara has grown enormously, in addition, she tries to cover it with her handbag.

Let's add, the 39-year-old Joe Manganello has no children of his own, and Vergara already has an adult son, Manolo, who is 22 years old.