Polish sauce

For lovers of fish dishes, we recommend you read the recipe for cooking Polish sauce, which will transform any fish dish and give it a unique taste.

Polish sauce for fish - recipe



Prepare a sauce in Polish to fish is absolutely simple. To do this, you first need to boil the eggs. To make the sauce turn out to be a beautiful yellow color and have a more intense taste, it is better to use eggs homemade. Fill them with water and put on the stove. After full boiling, cook the product for fifteen minutes, then immediately shift it into a container with ice water, and after a minute we take out and clean it. Now cut each peeled egg into four slices and place them in the blender's container. Grind the component to obtain a medium-sized crumb and shift it into a separate vessel. Washed and dried parsley greens are cut with a sharp knife as small as possible, and from the lemon we squeeze the juice in any accessible way.

Now we are going for butter. We put it in a saucepan and warm it up to full bloom, and then boil. We reduce the heat to an intensity just below the average, put eggs and crushed parsley into boiling oil, pour in lemon juice, season the sauce to taste with salt and pepper, and let in with continuous stirring for three minutes. Now remove the container from the plate, let the contents cool down, pour into the saucepan and can serve.

This sauce will be an excellent addition not only to fish, but to all seafood.

Fish with Polish sauce - recipe



For filing under Polish sauce, you can take any fish of low-fat varieties. We will use cod in this case. The fish fillets are rinsed, cut into portions and put into a saucepan. Fill the product with water, so that it covers the contents for a couple of centimeters, we also throw into the container a whole cleared bulb, laurel leaf and parsley root, add salt to taste and after boiling, boil for eight minutes, supporting a weak boiling.

Before serving, we spread the prepared fish on a plate, pour it with Polish sauce and immediately serve it to the table.