Excess weight in pregnancy

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, as soon as they learn that they will soon become a mother, stop watching their food. Finally, they are given the opportunity to eat everything they want, and you can not count calories. Yes, there it was! As it turned out, excess weight during pregnancy can not only damage your figure, but also the future child.

During this period, you should be the most attentive, because you depend on one more life. If earlier you were overexcited, you could easily arrange a day of unloading, then during pregnancy this can not be done, because the fruit will not get the nutrients it needs. A familiar to everyone the phrase that you need to eat "for two", in general, contradicts all medical recommendations. So if you still decide to live, focusing on it, then you will be overweight during pregnancy. Women in the "interesting" position for the first three months the nutritional value of the diet should increase by only 100 calories, and the subsequent 300.

And that the extra weight during pregnancy does not give you trouble it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

  1. Every day you need to start with a full breakfast. It is worth you only to refuse him and the next meal (lunch) you are provided with overeating, and this does not have a good effect on the future child. A large increase in weight during pregnancy, you do not face in the event that you constantly make up a plan for your meals. You can bring down your increased appetite with fruit or yoghurt.
  2. If you still did not avoid such a problem as overweight during pregnancy, you will have to make a lot of efforts to reduce it. This will help you an easy diet. Do not worry, what we will offer you does not hurt your baby. After all, there are diets for pregnant women for weight loss. The most important condition for food is his regime. It is always necessary to stick to it. If you say you wanted something very high-calorie, try to eat it before lunch. Dinner is preferably until 20:00. Late snacks should only be easily digestible food. Tolerate the feeling of hunger until the morning pregnant is strictly forbidden.
  3. Diet for pregnant women for weight loss should consist of fruits and vegetables. Especially they are useful to the future mother in a raw kind. To lose weight during pregnancy, do not abuse meat products, reduce the amount of salt, give preference to stew, not fried. In the last three weeks of pregnancy, try to eat only vegetable food.
  4. Diet for a pregnant woman with a heavy weight should consist of 100 grams of protein per day, not more than 100 grams of fat (20 of them of plant origin). Carbohydrates should be 350 grams. It is desirable to take food 4-5 times a day in small portions.
  5. A large set of weight during pregnancy threatens the future mother with diabetes, pregnant women, and can also reward you with a late toxicosis. Such a diagnosis does not bode well: pressure increases, there is a threat to the life not only of the fetus, but also of the future mother. And even the difficulties that can arise during childbirth can not be said. Every woman understands that giving birth to a large child is much more difficult than having a baby with a normal weight.

Summarizing all of the above, we come to the conclusion: in order not to gain excess weight during pregnancy, you will have to adjust the nutrition. Limit the use of fats and sweets, lean on fruits and vegetables, less drink strong tea and coffee. If you saw that you began to gain too much weight, try to bring the food back to normal gradually. A sharp reduction in the amount of food can also harm your body and the organism of your future baby.