Water element - moisturizing face in winter

Normal water balance is very important for the skin, because moisture provides it with elasticity and elasticity, and, consequently, a healthy and fresh look. With insufficient moisture, the skin looks dull, often flakes and grows older. Losing the moisture that is needed to it, like air is easy, the skin can not perform its functions and becomes vulnerable to the action of an aggressive environment. As a consequence, sooner or later, it becomes prone to irritation.

Moisturize any skin, regardless of type, age, and season. And it is important not only to moisten it with the help of special means, but also not to allow its overdrying, if possible avoiding the factors provoking it.

Factors causing dry skin in winter

Most of all, the following factors influence the open skin areas during this period:

Recommendations for maintaining a normal balance of skin moisture in winter

  1. Observe the correct drinking regime - in a day try to consume about 2 liters of liquid, half of which is pure still water.
  2. Adhere to the right diet, give up alcohol and smoking. Be sure to include the following foods in your nutritional diet: oat flakes, eggs, cottage cheese, honey, olive or pumpkin oil, honey, nuts, fatty fish, meat. These products are especially rich in substances that are necessary for normal skin condition.
  3. Watch out for the humidity in the room, both at home and at work. Dry air in the room contributes to dehydration of the skin. Use humidifiers to humidify the air, and in the absence of them, hang wet towels on the batteries. Also, do not forget to regularly ventilate the room you are in.
  4. Properly cleanse the skin. In winter, water treatments for facial skin should be carried out with extreme caution. Use for washing the boiled water and discard the means containing soap. Also limit the use of abrasive scrubs. The final procedure for skin cleansing should be the use of a tonic (alcohol-free).
  5. Use special cosmetic means to moisturize the skin of the face in the morning and in the evening. Well moisturize the skin creams with hyaluronic acid, chitosan, linoleic and linolenic acids, urea, a small amount of glycerin, etc. You can also use cosmetic oils - avocado, jojoba, shea, pumpkin, etc. An important rule: in winter, you need to lubricate your face with cream at least an hour before going out. If the air temperature is much lower than zero, before going out, you need to stop using moisturizers and use special protective creams from cold (usually based on animal fats). Being in the room, you can apply special water spray to moisturize the face.

Homemade Moisturizing Face Masks

  1. Mash a quarter of a banana, add a few drops of any vegetable oil and as much lemon juice. Apply to the skin, rinse with warm soft water after 20 minutes.
  2. Half a grated apple mixed with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of chopped oatmeal. Apply for 15 minutes, then wash off.
  3. Grind yolk of one egg , add a teaspoon of any freshly squeezed juice from berries, fruits or vegetables. Apply to the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.