Is it worth to increase eyelashes?

With all the external appeal of such a procedure, there are different opinions about it. So let's try to figure out whether it's worth to increase eyelashes, what are the pros and cons of this procedure and is it not capable of harming?

Is it dangerous to increase eyelashes?

In general, this cosmetic procedure is safe, but there are a number of cases where it is better to refrain from it so as not to cause harm to health:

  1. Propensity to allergies , especially if there was a reaction to cosmetics. There is a high probability that the glue for eyelashes will cause irritation.
  2. Diseases of the eyes. With conjunctivitis, the propensity to various inflammations procedure is categorically contraindicated.

There are no other obvious contraindications, but those who wear contact lenses, because of mechanical damage, false eyelashes are much less time-consuming.

Some features of eyelash extension

It is worth it to increase eyelashes every woman decides for herself. Below we will try to answer the questions that most often arise in connection with such a procedure.

Is it harmful to increase eyelashes?

In general, with proper care and observance of precautions, this procedure is relatively harmless, but after removing artificial eyelashes, your own can be weakened and more brittle. It is not necessary to do the build-up if the eyelashes are too thin and brittle, since they can not withstand the weight of the hair, and as a result, completely fall out.

Whether it is possible to increase eyelashes constantly?

It is undesirable, because prolonged wearing of such eyelashes still weakens the hair follicles, and as a result, your own eyelashes may not look the best.

Is it painful to increase eyelashes?

This cosmetic procedure consists in attaching to one's own eyelashes, singly or in bundles, with the help of special composition artificial. Unpleasant sensations are possible only in the case when the buildup is conducted by a layman, and the glue will get on the mucous membrane. The rest of the procedure is absolutely painless. Although it takes a lot of time.

How long do eyelashes grow?

On average, these eyelashes retain their appearance for about three weeks, after which it is required or to make correction, or to remove them. In some cases (due to mechanical effects or the use of fatty cosmetics), the wearing time can be shortened.