Eyelashes fall out - what should I do?

Eyelashes give the person individuality, inimitable beauty, but most importantly - protect the eyes from dust and other foreign bodies. Naturally, thick, healthy, long eyelashes work better than sparse "spider paws".

Why do eyelashes fall out?

The reasons for dropping eyebrows and eyelashes:

If you have never paid attention, how many eyelashes you have in a day, then, apparently, you are not familiar with this problem. Those who lose more than 3-4 cilia should think about and take measures to prevent this loss.

What if the eyelashes drop out?

If your eyelashes fell out after the build-up, then you need to take a break for a while and do not do this procedure, but treats carefully the eye "defenders". For example, buy a special brush and comb your eyelashes every day, be sure to wash off cosmetics for the night, take vitamins A and E, use special means to power eyelashes, for example, HYPOAllergenic from Bell.

If eyelashes fall out very much, then the treatment can be carried out using castor or burdock oil. It is not bad to mix it with vitamin A and apply the composition to the cilia for 2-3 hours. Enriched with life energy "defenders" carrot juice. It can also be used not only inside, but also in the form of a mask, mixed with any vegetable oil. Do not forget about its coloring effect and rinse after 5-10 minutes.

Intervention of the doctor is required in the case when not only the eyelashes drop out, but also the eyes are scratched . Eyes are an important organ to be protected.