Moisturizing face skin

Moisturizing the skin of the face is one of the important stages of skin care, which is the key to her health and beauty. The lack of moisture in the skin layers leads to loss of elasticity, the formation of wrinkles and scaly spots. And in the moistening needs not only dry, but also oily skin of the face, regardless of the season. Consider some means for moisturizing the skin.

Cosmetic for moisturizing face skin

The most common cosmetic means to restore and maintain a normal level of moisture in the skin are moisturizing cream (as well as gel, fluid, etc.). These agents can be divided into two types according to the mode of action on the skin.

Artificial moisturizing

This moisturizing creams, which include substances that create on the surface of the skin a kind of protective film that prevents moisture loss. These are substances such as:

Natural moisturizing

This category includes moisturizing creams that provide a natural level of moisturizing the skin through replacement therapy with substances related to the skin. These components include:

In addition, many moisturizing creams contain plant components that not only help to normalize the moisture balance, but also saturate the skin with nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. For example, it could be:

One of the best preparations for moisturizing the skin is the means of such brands:

Moisturizing the skin of the face with folk remedies

There are many home remedies with which you can provide deep hydration of the face. Here are a few recipes for effective moisturizing masks.

Mask with cucumber:

  1. Grate half a cucumber and squeeze the juice.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of olive oil to the cucumber cake.
  3. Add a teaspoon of sour milk to the mixture, mix.
  4. Apply to cleansed face, rinse with warm water after 20 - 25 minutes.

Honey and milk mask:

  1. Combine in the same proportions honey and milk (or other dairy product - yoghurt, kefir, etc.).
  2. Stir and apply on the skin for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water, then rub your face with an ice cube .

Mask with mustard:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of mustard powder with the same amount of warm water.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of olive, peach or sesame oil, stir.
  3. Apply on face, rinse after 5 minutes with cool water.
  4. Use a nourishing face cream.