Dystopia of the tooth

Dystopia in dentistry is the anomaly of the tooth, in which its position in the dentition, its displacement or deflection is observed. Most often there is a dystopia of wisdom teeth (third molars), upper and lower incisors, canines, and premolars. Dystopia, especially wisdom teeth and canine teeth, is often combined with retention - incomplete eruption in the presence of rudiments in the bone tissue of the jaw. In addition, with dystopia of the teeth, abnormalities such as crowding of teeth, distal, open or mesial bite can be diagnosed.

Causes of tooth dystopia

There are several factors that lead to the formation of tooth dystopia:

Dystoparity of wisdom teeth is often associated with the fact that they did not have precursor teeth in the bite, so it is more difficult for them to "break through" bone tissue.

Consequences of tooth dystopia

This anomaly is not only a cosmetic defect. Due to the dystopia of teeth, the normal eruption of other teeth is also impaired, resulting in an abnormal bite formation. In addition, due to improper arrangement of the teeth, the edges of the tongue, the inner surface of the lips and cheeks are often damaged, and decubital ulcers are formed.

Dystopic teeth often lead to the development of caries and pericoronaritis. it becomes difficult to normal oral hygiene, removal of food and plaque residues, which creates favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms. Also due to dystopia may be impaired chewing functions and sound.

Treatment of dystopia of teeth

Depending on the severity of the anomaly and the associated functional disorders, the following can be recommended: