Pigmented spots on the forehead - causes

The beauty of the skin and attractive appearance is very dependent on the uniformity of the face. Therefore, it is worth immediately starting treatment and taking the necessary measures if there are pigment spots on the forehead - the causes of pathology often signal serious disruptions in the work of internal organs.

Why does a dark pigment spot appear on my forehead?

One of the factors provoking the phenomenon under consideration is heredity. The spot may not be a violation of skin pigmentation, but simply a genetically determined abnormality.

A few more reasons why darkening of the epidermis are observed:

Causes of brown spots on the forehead

The described shade of areas with hyperpigmentation is observed in diseases of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder. Inflammatory processes in these organs or disruption of their functioning affects local skin immunity, leads to the appearance of yellowish-brown spots with clear boundaries and rim.

Moreover, this symptom appears due to deterioration in the outflow of bile, its stagnation in the gallbladder and its ducts. In such a situation, a high concentration of toxic poisonous substances accumulating in the skin provokes stable and extensive pigmentation disorders.

Spots on the forehead from the sun

A very common factor contributing to the occurrence of an anomaly is ultraviolet radiation. In moderate dosage it is even beneficial for the skin, as it strengthens the local immunity, provokes the production of vitamin D. Too long stay under the scorching sun, especially at lunch hours, negatively affects the condition of the epidermis. Ultraviolet influences the pigmenting cells - melanocytes, excessive reaction releases too much melanin and the tan stains with a yellow or reddish tinge.

It is worth noting that the pathology due to sun exposure increases if a person simultaneously takes certain types of antibiotics, for example, Clindamycin and Sumamed .