Number 6 in numerology

The number 6 in numerology can be considered as the number of destiny or date of birth, therefore characterizing the six, specialists from this sphere describe exactly the features of the character and fate of people who are associated with this number. If your birth number is 6 - according to the principle of numerology it is worth not to look at the value of only this number, but to add all the numbers from the date of birth to obtaining an unambiguous value to the sum, and consider it already.

So, if you are told by numerology that your fate number is 6, it means that you are affected by the female planet of Venus, which gives you grace, beauty, popularity and charm. All these features you save to a very old age, as well as the ability to emotionally experience, sympathize and love.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main pluses of people controlled by the magic number 6 are popularity, an abundance of fans. It helps both in life and in career. Usually such people often fall in love, are very windy and not always capable of serious relationships in adolescence, but in adulthood it passes. Although family and love in their lives - always in the first place.

The value of the number 6 in numerology says that such people are excellent friends, which you can always rely on. They are ready to share the latter and always remember their promises. As a rule, their destiny develops successfully in all respects. Disadvantages of such people are excessive directness and honesty , inability to cheat and cunning, which often leads to problems. They can not use people for mercenary interests - any such enterprise is doomed to failure in advance. It is important for them to choose their surroundings, and not to communicate with anyone horrendously, so that envious persons and ill-wishers can not get into the circle of loved ones. Sometimes the "six" can be very vindictive - if they were betrayed by someone from the circle of those whom they trusted.