Numerology of phone number

Numerology of a telephone number, from the point of view of the science of symbolism of numbers, one can interpret not only the number of births, but other numbers of figures. Therefore, knowledge of how to choose a phone number by numerology can be very useful. To do this, just add all of its numbers and decipher the final value.

Numerology of fixed telephone number numbers

Many people use a fixed connection, so the home phone can be used in divination. To do this, it is necessary to add up all the numbers of the number until a simple single digit is obtained. According to numerology, the number of a telephone number in relation to its owner can be interpreted as follows:

Numerology of mobile phone number

In a different way, the final value of the mobile phone number should be deciphered from the positions of numerology. For example, "unit" adds to the owner of the mobile phone activity, attracts in his life different surprises. "Two" helps to achieve success and stability, the "troika" - reveals all the talents , the "four" - is able to protect from the intrigues of ill-wishers, the "five" - ​​allows you to develop communication skills.

Numerology of phone numbers for business

For business people, it will be very successful to get a sim card with the total numbers of 6.7.8 or 9. They promise business people luck in their professional activities, promote more productive communication with customers and partners, and protect themselves from making rash decisions. A good sign will be 1 - the number of the leader, especially suitable for the head of the company.