Cystoscopy of the bladder in women

Various pathologies of the urinary system are now encountered more often. And if the majority of inflammatory or infectious diseases can be diagnosed through urinalysis, then cystitis, tumors, trauma or stones in the bladder can only be recognized with the help of cystoscopy. This is a method of investigation in which a special tube - a cystoscope - is inserted into the urethra and advanced into the bladder. With the help of video cameras built into the cystoscope, the internal surfaces of the urinary system are examined.

The cystography of the bladder is slightly different from this method. It consists in introducing a special solution through the urethra, and an X-ray examination is performed. But cystography also allows you to diagnose tumors and various diseases. However, in serious cases all the same spend a cystoscopy. Because it more clearly shows the state of the mucous membrane of the urinary system.

What is the purpose of this study?

Cystoscopy can detect chronic cystitis , sources of bleeding, the presence of stones and papillomas, various neoplasms. It is performed before surgery or when the patient complains of urinary incontinence, pain when urinating, and also in the presence of blood and pus in the urine.

This study is conducted in both women and men. It is believed that the cystoscopy of the bladder in women is easier and less painful. This is due to a shorter urethra. But many women who were shown by this blood tests and urine tests are afraid of him, believing that it is very painful. To exclude such fears, you need to know how the cystoscopy of the bladder is carried out.

How does the procedure work?

The study is conducted on a special chair. The area of ​​the urethra is anesthetized with a special anesthetic and a cystoscope is injected. It can be flexible, allowing you to turn it in different directions and examine the entire surface of the bladder. The rigid cystoscope is equipped with different lenses, directed in all directions. The bladder is filled with a special solution or with sterile water. For a more comfortable examination, the cystoscope itself is also treated with an anesthetic gel, which not only relieves pain, but also allows the device to slide more easily.

Before the study, the bladder is completely filled with the solution. This allows you to find out its scope and the patient's sensations when filling it. Then part of the solution is released and the surface of the bladder is examined. If pus or blood is found, it must be rinsed first. In areas with altered mucosa, a biopsy is taken. Usually the procedure lasts 10-15 minutes and does not cause any unpleasant consequences. If cystoscopy requires some medical manipulation, for example, removal of polyps, then spend it in a hospital under general anesthesia. The procedure is fairly simple, and special preparation for cystoscopy of the bladder is not required. However, if an infection is detected during the analysis, then the treatment should be completed before the procedure.

Complications after the study

They are extremely rare, especially if the procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist. But in some cases nevertheless there are unpleasant consequences of a cystoscopy of a bladder. This is most often a delay in urination due to a reaction to anesthetics, pain during urination due to mucosal damage. In rare cases, there are ruptures of the walls of the bladder or urethra. They heal usually themselves, and that the patient does not experience pain when urinating, he is administered a special catheter for the outflow of urine.