Ovarian cyst - how to treat all types of tumors without surgery and surgically?

Among gynecological diseases, the ovarian cyst occupies a separate position. The disease is characterized by a hidden course, often found during preventive examinations. The first symptoms appear in most cases when the formation is large.

Ovarian cysts - species

It is customary to call a formation having a cavity with a liquid inside it. The ovarian cyst is a kind of protrusion that forms on the surface of the sexual gland of a woman. It has thin, expandable walls, due to which it grows rapidly, increasing in volume. According to the observations of doctors, education can reach 15-20 cm in diameter. These benign formations develop long-term, have a different structure. According to this, it is nice to distinguish several types of cysts:

Follicular ovarian cyst

The follicular cyst is one of the most common forms. This education refers to functional - it can be formed during the menstrual cycle in almost any girl. The formation of this formation occurs if the follicle does not burst for vague reasons and the egg does not go outside. These formations are thin-walled, rarely reaching large sizes. In most cases, the follicular cyst is eliminated on its own, within 2-3 cycles.

Similar to the structure and mechanism of development is the cyst of the yellow body, which is a functional formation. It is formed after successful ovulation, when liquid accumulates inside the formed yellow body. Such an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is a frequent phenomenon. In contrast to the follicular, the cyst of the yellow body has a thick wall. In most cases, the reverse process of development is observed, and the cyst itself disappears and within 3-4 menstrual cycles.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst

The endometrioid cyst is structurally more complex than the types discussed above. Its formation occurs when the endometrial cells appear on the sex gland's surface. As a result of their accumulation, a cavity is formed, in which the blood often begins to accumulate. Women with such a disease fix pain in the lower abdomen, so diagnosis of this pathology in most cases is done in a timely manner. Cysts of this type can spontaneously burst.

Dermoid ovarian cyst

This type of neoplasm of benign nature is more common in women of reproductive age. The dermoid cyst grows rapidly and can reach 15 cm in diameter. A feature of such formations is their composition. Often, when the cyst is opened in its cavity, various types of tissues are found: cartilaginous, hair, connective, fat. When performing ultrasound, education data is displayed on the screen in different ways. For detailed diagnosis, doctors often use CT, NMR. Among all types of cysts, this occurs in 20% of cases of diseases.

Ovarian cysts - causes

Often physicians can not determine precisely what caused the ovarian cyst - the causes of the disease are often multifactorial. However, most gynecologists agree that the triggering mechanism for the development of neoplasms is a hormonal malfunction or inflammatory process in the reproductive system. According to statistical data, about 70% of all cases of cystic diseases are recorded in women of childbearing age. Given this feature, we can identify the main factors, the presence of which provokes the development of the ovarian cyst:

Ovarian cyst - symptoms in women

When an ovarian cyst is formed, the symptoms do not appear immediately. So, follicular cysts, a yellow body cyst can be present in the body for a certain time without manifesting itself, and then completely disappear. In most cases, women learn about the pathology, when the ovarian cyst increases in size and begins to press on the nearby organs in the small pelvis. At this point, the patients notice the appearance of the following symptomatology:

Cyst of the right ovary

The functional ovarian cyst, located to the right, is more common. The reason for this - the best blood supply to this area of ​​the small pelvis. As for the mechanism of neoplasm development, doctors speak about an increased risk of developing a cyst after an appendectomy (an operation to remove the appendix). Signs of pathology are similar to those listed above. Characteristic is the presence of painful sensations in the right side of the abdomen, which sometimes spread to the thigh area.

Cyst of the left ovary

If the sex gland is damaged on the left side of the small pelvis, the signs of the ovarian cyst are similar to those mentioned above. The left ovary is more often affected as a result of the transferred colitis (inflammatory process in the intestine). The proximity of the gonads and intestines confirms the presence of a histological connection between these anatomical structures. Symptoms and signs of pathology do not differ from those considered above, however, they are localized mainly on the left.

Ovarian cyst - treatment

Before treating the ovarian cyst, doctors conduct differential diagnosis. The purpose of the survey is not only to establish the cause of the pathology, but also to determine the type of education, its size and location of precise localization. The choice of tactics of therapeutic intervention is determined directly by these features. With the functional nature of education (follicular cyst, yellow body cyst ) doctors adhere to expectant tactics.

In these cases, cyst treatment is limited to taking hormonal drugs, vitamins. With a large cyst size, complicated by the flow of the only method of treatment is surgery. As additional methods in the complex treatment are used:

How to treat an ovarian cyst without surgery?

How and what to treat a cyst on the ovary in a woman in a particular case, should determine the doctor. Based on the results of the conducted studies, physicians make up an individual treatment algorithm. In most cases, the cyst on the ovary requires hormonal therapy. Often after such a course it is possible to stop the growth of education, to achieve reverse development of cysts. Drugs are selected individually, with the setting of dose, multiplicity and duration of treatment. Among the commonly used hormonal drugs are oral contraceptives:

If the cyst is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the small pelvis, anti-inflammatory drugs are used in parallel:

With such a disease as the ovarian cyst, treatment with folk remedies can be an excellent complement to the basic course of therapy.

Boron uterus


Preparation, application

  1. The grass is filled with vodka.
  2. The dishes are tightly clogged.
  3. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place.
  4. Take 5 drops of infusion 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals.

Ovarian cysts - operation

After diagnosis in the absence of complications, doctors begin therapy with medication methods. If improvement is not observed within 3 months of treatment, the cyst continues to grow, the question arises of surgical treatment. Removal of the ovarian cyst is performed by laparoscopy - a minor-trauma surgery, in which access is made through small incisions. Laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst is completely controlled by video equipment. Depending on the type of formation, the stage of the pathological process, the following types of operations are carried out:

  1. Kistektomiya - involves the removal of only cystic education, with the preservation of a healthy gland tissue.
  2. Cuneiform resection - excision of the cyst and surrounding tissues.
  3. Oophorectomy - complete removal of the ovary. It is carried out with malignant tumor.

Ovarian cysts - consequences

A terrible complication of the disease is the rupture of the ovarian cyst. This violation has an acute clinical picture, so it is easy to diagnose it. Among the symptoms of rupture cysts:

The situation requires urgent surgical care. During surgery, the damaged tissue of the gland or the entire ovary is removed with abdominal cleaning. Among other consequences, which can lead to an ovarian cyst in the absence of therapy: