Pregnancy after postinor

Currently, many couples knowingly approach pregnancy planning and care about using modern contraception. But there are situations when a woman is not ready for motherhood and is experiencing because of a possible conception. In such situations, sometimes use the so-called emergency contraception, which includes the drug Postinor. He does not allow the attachment of the fetal egg to the uterus. But women can worry if pregnancy is possible after taking Postinor. It is necessary to find out some points related to this issue.

Can I get pregnant after taking the drug?

This medicine is considered quite effective, but still, the probability of pregnancy after Postinor exists. Here are the main reasons why the tool did not have the desired effect:

Also do not forget that each organism is individual. Some personal characteristics may cause a lack of result from the remedy.

Pregnancy after postinor - possible consequences

Those women whose test showed 2 strips after using emergency contraception, worry about whether the pill will have a negative effect on the baby. Anxiety is completely justified, since the instruction says that when you gestate, you can not drink medicine.

But experts say that the pills do not cause other abnormalities in the fetus. In most cases, pregnancy after Postinor passes without consequences for the child. There are no medications for abortion after taking the drug.

It is important to know that at an early age, a miscarriage can occur due to a hormonal leap. So it's better to take good care of your health and visit a doctor more often.