How to confess to a guy in love, if you're shy?

Excessive shyness can become an obstacle to your goal and dream of happiness with your loved one. An excellent assistant for humble people by nature will be the Internet, because with his appearance, many got friends and expanded the circle of their acquaintances. But besides social networks there are lots of ways to admit to a guy in love, if you're shy, but how, will be told in this article.

How can you admit to love a guy without leaving home?

  1. Just send an SMS message with cherished words. If the response of the addressee is not the one you would like to see, you can always write that you made a mistake with the number.
  2. The same option, but only with the involvement of a computer. If the boy is in "friends" in any social network, write him a confession. Plus of this method is that no one will see and not notice any embarrassment, stammering, red face and sweating hands. And if it happens that you confessed to the guy in sympathy, and he is silent or writes a muck in response, then his emotions can be expressed with an appropriate smiley, for example, by sending a sign "Joke" or writing that the addressee was mistaken.
  3. With confidence in his sympathy, you can make a loud confession by writing it "on the wall" or under a photo. You can make a signature under a virtual gift. By the way, it can be private, so the sender will be opened only to the addressee.
  4. You can create a new page under a fictitious name and offer the object of your sympathy friendship and communication. This will help to learn more about him and about whether there is a free place in his heart.

Eyes to eyes

Of course, confessing love to a guy in his own words is not so easy, besides, many doubt whether it is possible to admit to the guy in love first. But if he is too shy and indecisive, then around so you can walk for a very long time, so nothing and not finding out. But this time can be spent with profit, making each other happier and more joyful! Besides today, unlike the last years, boys are more supportive and naturally refer to the initiative of the weaker sex and do not see anything wrong with the fact that the girls are the first to express their sympathy. Therefore it is more courageous to meet new emotions!

Several ways to beautifully admit to love a guy in your own words:

  1. To adjust the situation, in which you could be alone and frankly ask the guy how he would react if they confessed to him in love. You can say that you are preparing the coveted words and are afraid that the guy will react inadequately. By his reaction and response, you will immediately understand everything.
  2. Those who have great self-control, you can say among other words: "I love you" and look at the reaction. If the boy remains indifferent, try to turn everything into a joke or say what he heard.
  3. You can read him a poem on a love topic and ask what he thinks about it. The main thing is to bring the conversation to the right topic, and in the future it will not be difficult to find out its relationship.

Of course, personal recognition is the right way to learn about the true feelings of a guy, but if the embarrassment is so great that it is not possible to implement such an option, you can always write a love note and put it in a bag, book or elsewhere. The Valentine's Day holiday is a great moment for recognition, because on this day everyone will give each other heart-shaped greeting cards and especially shy can catch the moment. You can ask a friend for help: let her ask the guy about his sympathies. And if you communicate in one company, it will be even easier to find out by talking with his best friend.