Metabolic disease

We do not often think about what happens to a freshly eaten piece of a pie inside the body. And rightly - we leave the study of metabolism to professors and associate professors. But if the scales of the scales began to roll off treacherously, it's time to estimate the amount eaten and analyze what caused the metabolic disturbance?

Human metabolism

The process of metabolism (metabolism) is divided into two stages:

Disturbance of metabolism provokes serious diseases. For example, with improper carbohydrate metabolism, diabetes occurs, and a violation of the metabolism of fat leads to obesity.

Causes of metabolic disorders

It is common to divide the causes that cause a metabolic disorder to acquired and hereditary.

Acquired metabolic disorder is associated with:

Metabolism is often disrupted after a respiratory viral disease, and after being in an ecologically unfavorable area. Serious impact on the metabolic processes cause severe diets, which are so trusted by women.

The above-mentioned risk factors usually concern adults. The metabolic disorder in children in most cases is associated with hereditary diseases, among which:

Symptoms of metabolic disorders

Often acquired metabolic disorders in adult women and men are accompanied by:

Signs of metabolic disorders in children due to hereditary diseases are manifested in the first weeks of life, but they are often mistakenly attributed to the effects of intrauterine hypoxia, birth trauma, etc.

It is necessary to show the child to the doctor, if observed:

Treatment of metabolic disorders

Hereditary diseases associated with metabolic processes require constant monitoring by a physician. Acquired metabolic disorders, as a rule, experts recommend treating the body against slags and observing a special diet. It is also necessary to exclude all risk factors - to give up alcohol and cigarettes, to move more, to avoid stressful situations.

An important point in the treatment of metabolic disorders is a healthy sleep with strict adherence.

Metabolism in mothers

In connection with the irregularities in the hormonal background, there is a metabolic disorder after childbirth, which is accompanied by a set of weight (less often loss). In addition, the body of a pregnant and lactating woman works in the regime of accumulation of nutrients, therefore changes in the figure are quite natural. Traditional diet for metabolic disorders of nursing mothers is not suitable, as this can harm a child. To speed up the metabolic processes help to frequent meals "a little bit", added to the food spices (after stopping breastfeeding), carrots. It is recommended to move more, build muscle mass, fully rest at night, do not worry.