How to transplant a dracene at home?

Transplanting dracaena is an integral part of caring for it. While the plant is young, it requires an annual change of soil and pot. This is due to the fact that the powerful root system of the flower constantly requires more space. If the plant is cramped in a pot, it grows poorly and develops. In this article, we will learn how to transplant dracen at home by all rules.

How to transplant the dracene into another pot?

First, we define with a new pot. It can be both ceramic and plastic. The main thing is that its size should be only 5 centimeters 5 more than the previous one. If you plant the plant immediately in a huge container, dracaena will not have time to absorb moisture, as a result, the ground will begin to rot with the roots. And the green mass will not grow until the roots take up all the earth's space.

The shape of the pot is also important - for dracaena it is better to take oblong, glass-like containers. There must necessarily be a tray, where the water will merge with the top watering.

When the pot is purchased, you can proceed directly to the transplant. On the question of when it is possible to transplant Dracaena, the answer is that it is better to do this in the spring.

Carefully extracted root system together with an earthen lump. The roots of the dracaena are very sensitive, so act neatly. To the process went smoothly, a few days before the planned transplant, do not water the flower - the land will dry and it will be better to separate from the pot.

When the plant is already outside the pot, carefully consider the roots. If there are damaged, trim them with a clean knife or scissors, and place the cuts with charcoal.

At the bottom of the new pot, lay a decent layer of drainage in advance, fill it with a third of it. You can buy ready-made soil mixtures for palm plants in the store, or you can prepare it yourself: leafy, turfy sand and coal in proportions of 2: 6: 0.1: 0.05.

Do not greatly deepen the plant, but at the same time leave the sides free, that is, do not cover the pot with soil to the top. Transplanted plant pour and leave in the penumbra.

Many people are interested in the question of how often it is necessary to transplant a large dracenium. Do this less often, about once every 2-3 years.

How to transplant dracenu cuttings?

The dracaena's stem can be apical or stem. To obtain the apical stem, one of the upper processes of the plant must be cut with a sharp pruner or knife. The length of the cut should not be less than 10-15 cm. The cut location should be smooth, without gaps, scoring of the bark and so on. The stem stem is also cut off with a sharp knife, a piece of 5-20 cm is enough.

Root the cuttings better in sand, perlite or in a special soil for palm trees. If you take root in the water, make sure that its temperature is always at the same level, about room temperature. Roots will appear on day 7-14 in the case of apical cuttings, and 30-45 if stem cuttings. After this, we transplanted the rooted plant into a small pot with drainage and proper ground.