Napkin rings

Napkins are an obligatory attribute of serving a festive table. They perform not only a practical function, but, above all, an aesthetic one. Before you sit down at the table and start the meal, your guests will first and foremost admire the way the table is served , and if the hostess tried to glory, it will not go unnoticed.

Napkins for guests can be hung on the backs of chairs, put under a plate or cutlery or fold in the shape of some interesting figure. Another way of serving is the use of special napkin rings. These accessories are considered a classic option for the design of napkins, which you will often find in an expensive restaurant or hotel, at a wedding feast or a lavish celebration of the anniversary. Let's find out what rings are and how to decorate a table with their help.

Types of rings for napkins

The rings for napkins in table etiquette play a special role, and acquire them depending on preferences. Someone more like solid metal products, others like accessories made of cloth or leather, and someone is crazy about handmade. There are many types of rings for the design of napkins, and there are plenty to choose from here.

Metal rings are considered to be ageless classics. Usually they are made of steel, but you can often find an exclusive set of rings for napkins made of precious metals, for example, silver. They are decorated with engraving, inlaid, chased, patinated, etc. Fashionable trend in the restaurant and hotel business are branded rings, which looks very impressive and emphasizes the luxury and elitism of the establishment.

On sale it is possible to meet decorative rings for napkins from other materials - porcelain, glass, wooden. Usually they are selected in such a way that the rings are as much as possible in harmony with the dishes and cutlery. Therefore porcelain will be the best option, and the tree will be appropriate if the style of your kitchen or dining room involves the use of natural materials in the decoration and furnishing.

To get rings for napkins is very simple: you can either buy them or make them yourself. Homemade accessories are also very popular, they are performed in various techniques: sewing, beading, quilling, decoupage. If you own any handicraft art, then you will not be difficult to make such rings yourself, since for this purpose almost any material is suitable. It can be anything, from a wooden workpiece for burning out or a strip of fabric to a normal wire covered with silver paint from a can. Distributed among needlewomen decorative rings for napkins made of beads and satin ribbons of Kanzash. And hand-knitted napkin rings embroidered in bargello technique or patchwork made in technique are also very beautiful. The choice is yours!

The simplest rings can be made from cardboard, pasted it with a narrow satin ribbon or twine and decorated with any decorative elements (beads, crystals, lace, artificial or even fresh flowers). But at the same time one should keep in mind the important rule of serving: both rings and napkins should harmonize in color, texture and style with the tablecloth and interior of the room where the feast will be held.

Also, napkin rings will be an excellent gift for the wedding or anniversary, and subsequently, perhaps, even a real family heirloom. A engraved monogram with the initials of the jubilee or newlyweds will make the present even more valuable.