Why not pour it through your hand?

The culture of pouring a drink by glasses and containers is rich in its variety and, like any other, has many nuances and even takes, some of which are still strictly observed to this day. However, very few people remember, for example, why you can not pour through your hand. The sources of the signs have gone far into the depths of time.


In ancient times, the rings were considered a kind of amulets , a closed round contour of which meant protection from evil forces and evil spirits. Later, jewelry learned to make from precious metals, as a result of which they first became indicators of the person's belonging to the supreme authority, then - to a circle of proximate persons. And in the end they became a sign of status, wealth, recognition of special merits.

Even the school history course contains information about how important or key figures for the state left their posts and passed away. Often they were poisoned during the feast through the food or wine served, distributed as the main drink in the Middle Ages. Usually the poison poured into the glass from the ring all the time while the poisoner continued to pour through his hand, so a bad omen was born.


After a lot of intrigue and death, it was finally forbidden to fill the glasses in this way. If someone poured through his hand somewhere, the spies did not ask why, but simply grabbed a man and either arrested him or straightened him on the spot.

Today, the significance of this has greatly disappeared, often to the question of why it is impossible to pour through the hand, only a short one is heard: "This is a sign." When explaining are very different: there will be less money , a relative will get sick, things will go badly and so on. Although the practice of poisoning through rings and rings has long been a thing of the past, the sign continues to be passed down from generation to generation, from one person to another, the original cause of its emergence becomes increasingly mystic and disappears with the background of "additions."